CODEPINK Founder Medea Benjamin
(Image by Bill Hughes, Channel: liamh2) Details DMCA>
While US-Presidents waged wars, destroyed whole regions, and victimized millions they protested decidedly with great personal commitment -- the members of CODEPINK.
Even at President Bush's press conference, they raised their voices against the propaganda of war and risked severe personal ramifications -- the members of CODEPINK.
With actions of civil courage, they continuously warned of the dangers of nuclear weapons and drone warfare -- the members of CODEPINK.
They protested against the -- according to international law -- illegal Israeli occupation and named the Israeli government what it is, an occupational force and a government of suppressors -- the brave and courageous members of CODEPINK.
Who would more deserve the Wilhelmine-von-Bayreuth-Prize?
It is understandable that the parties of Christian Social Union (CSU) and the Greens do not want to award them in Bayreuth. They stand firmly alongside those who wage and are responsible for illegal wars and interventions.
The role of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) is comprehensible. The SPD has mostly mutated to a party of support for missions of war.
Not understandable is the stance of the Left Party (Die LINKE): Did they forget the teachings of the lives of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht? He/she how is for peace will be defamed and persecuted.
Our solidarity rests with CODEPINK. We know what defamation is, we have experienced and seen it over the last 2 years more than enough. But solidarity helps winning. Therefore, we solidarize ourselves with CODEPINK.
Nothing will stop us from struggling for peace and against war with CODEPINK, with our colleagues and friends Medea Benjamin and Ann Wright.
Berlin, February 23 2016
Reiner Braun
(Executive Director International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms, Co-President International Peace Bureau)
Kristine Karch
(Co-Chair International Network No to War -- No to NATO)
Pascal Luig
(Board Member Scientists for Peace Germany , NatWiss; Member of the Organization Committee of the Campaign Stop Ramstein)
Lucas Wirl
(Program Director International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility, INES, Co-Chair International Network No to War -- No to NATO)