With the passing of Telecoms immunity this week, despite thousands of citizens calling, writing and faxing to demand it not be passed, it has become painfully clear that Americans have lost any voice in their own government with the exception of their vote.
First the House then the Senate brushed aside citizen's concerns for their Constitutional rights and voted to suppress our rights with yet another anti-constitutional bill.
Now waiting in the wings is yet another bill to invade our privacy by requiring that every credit card purchase we make MUST be reported to the federal government. This is hidden in the foreclosure prevention bill by Senator's Dodd and Charles Grassley and has no restrictions.
While there is some possibility enough negative response from American's fed up with being spied upon might get this amendment taken out, I personally have lost faith in Congress and don't feel they represent us any more. I believe they are owned lock-stock-and-barrel by both President Bush and big business campaign donors. You and I can't afford to buy them.
I have little more faith in the courts to protect us from these unconstitutional laws because Congress has found so many ways to write them as to make it nearly impossible to even take a challenge into the courts. ( Immunity/FISA for example ) Unfortunately federal judges including the Supreme Court Justices, are appointed for life. The best we can hope for is a progressive president able to appoint more responsible people to these positions.
The likelihood of a progressive president being elected this fall is better than in the past but nothing is guaranteed in politics, partly due to uneducated voters who remain unaware that they are losing their rights on an almost daily basis.
The coming elections is much more than a presidential race. Many member of Congress are up for election as well and this is one place the power of our votes can make a difference.
We need to unite to protect our own freedom before it is too late...sold out to criminals in the white house and to big business who want our money but not our participation in government.
We MUST do two things now ! (1) elicit from those running for election against incumbent members of Congress, a pledge to undo the damage done over the past 8 years by a white house and a Congress who abandon and betrayed us by throwing away their oath of office. and (2) work to vote existing members of Congress out of office without regard to party affiliations.
We can't vote party line because both parties are guilty of the same crime of trashing out Bill of Rights. Even Democrats have betrayed our rights by caving into the Bush administration's bully tactics and illegal programs. They no longer deserve their seats in office. They have proven they are loyal to their constituents and will not change if re-elected.
We MUST pass the word. Re Elect No One. If you do, you will only be asking for more of the same until eventually they have legislated away any trace of what it used to mean to be America.
Will you do your part and send this article to everyone you know?