Warren, Sanders appear to break nonaggression pact prior to debate Elizabeth Warren claims that he told her in 2018 a woman couldn't win the presidential election and that his current campaign volunteers are trashing her to ...
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By Dave Lindorff
Word that Elizabeth Warren is reconsidering her run for the Democratic presidential nomination, and that she and Bernie Sanders are looking at the idea joining to form a progressive "united front," are encouraging.
It is clear that the Democratic neoliberal establishment has gone to war on its left wing - willing to risk losing the November election to keep the Democratic Party from being taken over by progressives and democratic socialists.
The red-baiting of Sanders on the party's nationally televised debate stage, which happened more than once with nobody calling "foul!," has been despicable. Imagine, for a moment, if a Democratic contender were to call an opponent in a nationally televised party debate a "fascist" or a "Nazi." There would be an immediate outcry from all other contenders, from party leaders, and from elected officials of the party. But calling Sanders a Communist or a Stalinist, or claiming that his policies resemble those of Castro's Cuba or Maduro's Venezuela, are allowed to sail right past, undenounced for what they are: McCarthyite red-baiting. When the same people who call Russia's Vladimir a thug then equate Sanders with Putin, or worse, accuse him of being aided by Putin's Russia, again there's no condemnation from the party poobahs.
For months, as in 2016, the Democratic Party elite and the liberal media that support them, ignored Sanders, but when it looked like he was going to romp through the primaries on the strength of the public's support for his calls for Medicare for All, free public college tuition and a Green New Deal to seriously tackle climate change, they all turned on him with a vengeance.
The idea that Joe Biden's victory in South Carolina - a state with so few Democrats that it has never, since Lyndon Johnson's support for the Voting Rights Act and Nixon's subsequent "Southern Strategy," voted Democratic, and that never will again until blacks are no longer obstructed from voting and working class whites realize that they are being tricked by wedge issues like prayer in schools and the abortion issue into supporting a party, the Republicans, that keeps them in peonage - could in any way indicate his "electability" nationally against Donald Trump is laughable on its face. Yet the liberal media collectively ran with this story line, as did Democratic party leaders and key elected officials.
The effect of this full-court press was to convince Democratic voters and the independent voters able to participate in many Democratic primaries, that in order to get rid of Trump they needed to vote for Biden.
Yet Biden, objectively looked at, is a disastrous candidate who will lose to Trump in November, as Hillary Clinton did in 2016"
For the rest of this article by DAVE LINDORFF in ThisCantBeHappening!, the uncompromised, collectively-run, six-time Project Censored Award-winning online alternative news site, please go to: https://thiscantbehappening.net/the-answer-warren-ends-her-campaign-and-sanders-makes-her-his-vp-choice/
(Article changed on March 5, 2020 at 05:16)