Just when I thought that the Bushes would be out of the limelight hopefully for ever, but if not for ever, at least for a good while, there they are again.
For his part, "W" has curtailed his limelight appearances to two. One in Calgary, Canada to a group of businessmen, and one in Michigan at Lake Michigan College, perhaps in the hope that his speaking engagement across the border to the North, and his speaking engagement To the Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan might go unnoticed by the many anti-Bush thinking people on this side of the border here in this country in general.
First, on March 17th 2009, “W” spoke in Calgary to a group of business people where he delivered, not a speech on economics, not a speech a speech on business, but probably, not having much of an intelligent, coherent, business insight to offer the group, Bush, defended his invasion of Iraq, and again uttering the words he had often said from rote memory, or the bottom of his heart and soul while occupying the Chair of Power at the White House Oval Office: he referenced the “murderers” of September 11, 2001 who, he said, “must be kept on the run.”
So there. Bush offered his Calgary audience, a defense of his war, of his legacy, and proffered an implied criticism to those who choose to discontinue his war on terror, or to proceed in the fight against those who might harm the United States, in a way different than the Bush had preferred mode of procedure: blood and carnage.
Then on May 29th 2009, Bush spoke in Michigan to the Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan where he, again, spoke of war, his time in the White House, his invasion of Iraq which he justified by saying that democracy might spread in the Middle East as a result of his invasion. He served, those present, a whole plate full of rhetoric in defense of his war and of his legacy.
Bush is often quoted as saying that he owes Barack Obama the courtesy of his silence, so that he won’t make any comments on Obama policies, but leave it to the Bushes, they will find a way to do just what they say they are not going to do. (Silence of course is the best way for Bush to proceed because not even he can defend the indefensible, the carnage, the destruction he has seeded not only in Iraq, but in our Economy in this country in his quest for war in Iraq. So yes, I agree, silence is for Bush the only way to proceed at this time).
However, the Bushes are not going to give up the limelight. Not for long anyhow. Nor are they going to give up their sense of entitlement and power. Thus, enter Cheney (the current Bushes mouthpiece) and his multi-media appearances defending the Bush policies on torture and on the Iraq invasion …
Follow it with Laura Bush this Sunday, defending Cheney and his “right as an American Citizen,” to say what he believes.
Although freedom of speech, or the defense of freedom of speech, never entered Laura’s pretty little mind, when American citizens exercised their rights to freedom of speech but were shoved into protest pens far away from George and from Laura, who, as the co-dependent that she is, always pretended not to see them, not to hear them, not even to have them acknowledged …
It is interesting that Laura did not say anything then about the people’s right as American citizens, to protest against Bush. The same right she, today, says Cheney has.
And as if all of these reminders of just who the Bushes are, are not enough, as if the pain of these freshly opened wounds by the evocation in my mind of just how much of an unbalanced, dictatorial, corporate inclined the Bush administration was in their putrid glorification of war, and in their stealing of our national coffers to support their wars, there comes on AOL these newly released photos, not of Bush, but Adolf Hitler … a reminder, maybe even a visual link to how much Bush himself cherished standing before an assembly of soldiers, giving them a pep-talk, while lusting in his heart to send them to the bloody carnage of war.
No wonder he misses his encounters with U.S. military personnel and the inspiration he says he drew from them … but, was it really inspiration, or was it, and is it really more a sense of a doggone power over them and their lives that Bush misses?
If I were to make a bet, I would bet on the latter.