[...this is part 2.
For part 1 you can find it HERE ]
My TV is off and the network is too. There will be some fans that lose their
loyalties to the League and stop consuming their brand. Good. This will only
accelerate the punitive effects of mistreating players who elect to exercise
their right of free speech.
Kaepernick hasn't called for a boycott, but that doesn't mean we won't. The
longer he's kept out of the League the more protests; the more damage to the
NFL. So what? If the price of exercising our Constitutional rights is to end a
sport that leaves its players permanently brain damaged, then so be it. If the
NFL is so anti-American as to deny its players a right to play simply because
the act of kneeling is destructive to their brand image, then let it be even
more destructive and costly.
Those who kneel down are no less American or any less patriotic or brave, as the fine example shown by Kaepernick starts a growing bonfire of expression. He's a shining example of someone who is willing to sacrifice career for the benefit of all so in this sense he's a real leader, brave, and exemplifies the selfless giving of himself in a righteous cause whatever the cost.
Servant leadership is the opposite of Trump rule as if by king over us, his subjects. I totally reject him and his contamination of our office. I demand his impeachment as a matter of national urgency, regardless of political affiliation.
Democrats should be ashamed for trying to play this situation for political gain. How much do they really care for our country if they're willing to let Trump not face impeachment and this charade to continue? Democrats are willing to wait till past 2018 under the hope that Trump will make winning easier. This isn't right--they and the Republicans must do their job to immediately remove this vile man from the office he pretends to own.