Voice of the Voters! 2/4/09
Special Guest:
Ellen Brodsky
8PM ET Wednesday, February 4
Every Wednesday - 8 to 9 PM Eastern
Heard on 1360 AM Philadelphia and on the Internet
www.voiceofthevoters.org OR http://wnjc.duxpond.com/
Call 856-227-1360 with questions/comments
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Ellen Brodsky is in the "fight of my life to clear my record." The State of
Florida has charged Brodsky with a criminal charge of "Trespass After
Warning." Brodsky, a nationally known activist from Broward County and
former candidate for Supervisor of Elections, will discuss the charges
against her, her Not Guilty plea, and why HER fight is OUR fight. But, she
maintains, "I am not alone--EI groups all around the country, including the
Coalition for Voting Integrity and 'Voice of the Voters,' are supporting me,
and that is a message I need to convey."
Ellen Brodsky, of the Broward Election Reform Coalition, ran for Broward
County election supervisor last November, lost, and was arrested and
jailed overnight during the count. Read more at BradBlog.com,
"Voice of the Voters!" is hosted this week by Jim
Strait. John Gideon of VotersUnite.org will also give us updates on
voting news.
Stay tuned for the Rob Kall Show - 9 pm Eastern same station
Call 856-227-1360 with questions/comments
Coalition for Voting Integrity