Writing is a powerful teaching tool. The act of writing teaches the writer about themselves and about the topic of focus. And the writing teaches the readers thereby. Readers then tend to teach the writer and others about totally new concepts which the writer may not have considered with their feedback. And later, under new circumstances, other lessons might come up surprising all who have considered the writing thoroughly.
" Circumstances and states change so the ideas might develop new significance and might pertain to the new reality in new ways. Phrases which helped map reality in one way or another can help map reality in new ways as new states of consciousness and new circumstances arise.
Oligarchical Collectivism is one such phrase that is somewhat esoteric sounding if unfamiliar with it and not necessarily used frequently because of its initial obscurity pronunciation. Oligarchical Collectivism can best be understood as the institutionalization of a pyramid system with the few at the top in control and the many below under increasing pressure.
George Orwell originally coined the phrase in his paradigm novel 1984. The novel is set in a futuristic London when the former democratic and capitalist city is now a repressive communist state akin to Moscow at the time the novel was penned. The idea is reflective of how things change severely no matter the titles. Sometimes the game changes and the name remains the same.
All isms, all governmental organizations throughout recorded time, have been and are oligarchical collectivism by one degree or another. The coordination of the institution as it is might be different depending on the strata of the oligarchical collectivism one exists in and more importantly it depends on if you are inside of it and outside of it. Comprehension of internal and external politics are vital important understanding in politics, just as understanding of esoteric and exoteric is vitally important to comprehension of spirituality.
All states are composed in a way that pertains to internal and external mechanisms and functions. The US Constitution reflects this fact, as does the related Oath of Office, and the idea is reflected in a recent Trump 'weave' about his opponents in relation to the internal and external dynamics.
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. ~Oath of Office, Legislative Branch
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice; So help me God. ~Oath of Enlistment of Armed Forces
"We have the greatest military in the world, but you have to know how to use them, you have to know how to use them. But I protect against outside enemies. But you know I always say, 'we have the outside enemies, so you can say China, you can say Russia, you can say Kim Jung Un, you can say"but that's not ey(it)'" If you have a smart president it's no problem. It's the enemy from within, all the scum we have to deal with that hate our country. That's a bigger enemy than China, than Russia-- ~Donald Trump
"I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. Not even the people that have come in destroying our country"I think the bigger problem is the people within"and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary by the National Guard, and if really necessary by the military." ~Donald Trump
"From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide." ~Abraham Lincoln
Every state has internal and external politics. And every state is made up of oligarchical collectivism. How to utilize these facts requires consideration of the flaws of labels and the realities of state relations.
" The failure of labels and the lack of meaning to labels and titles makes the phrase Oligarchical Collectivism more relevant despite its generality. Is russia a communist state? Is russia a democracy? What is russia to Ukraine or Finland? What about China? Is China actually communist? Is The USA a republic or an oligarchy? What is South Korea - when it institutes martial law? Is North Korea patriarchal feudalism? What is The United States as we transition into a deportation and retribution society instead of one based on law application to all? What is Israel - to its citizens and to its neighbors? What is Israel compared to its neighbors?
It is all Oligarchical Collectivism by any measure. The difference is the steepness of the institutionalization positioning of internal and external politics. The best distinction of an institution is not, and ought not to be, determined by way of its title or name of its supposed system. The distinction of an institution should be determined by how the state offers liberty to its citizens and how it interferes with or offers liberty to people outside of its border.
" "From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide." ~Abraham Lincoln
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