Trump picks John Bolton to replace McMaster as national security adviser President Donald Trump selected John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser. Here is a look at Bolton's background.
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John Bolton after President Trump named him new National Security Adviser replacing H.R. McMaster
Oh my god. The "Donald" just named John Bolton as his national security advisor replacing H.R. McMaster.
This is like putting an NRA stooge in charge of policing an anti-war rally. Armed and ready to take out any protester.
Remember Bolton is the guy before he was named a recess appointee as US ambassador to the UN -"Dubya" Bush knew Bolton would never receive Senate confirmation- had said, "If the UN secretary building in New York lost ten storey's it wouldn't make a bit of difference".
Then of course Bolton was a strong advocate to "Dubya's" invasion of Iraq in March 2003.
Though Bolton wasn't an original signee to the 1990's"Project for the New American Century"-the neo-con blueprint to destroy Iraq, Syria, then Iran- his comments advocating regime change in all those countries makes him fully in line with the Project's signatories.
So what can one say positively about this unreconstructed neo-con? Absolutely nothing.
Also Bolton doesn't have to go before the Senate to gain confirmation. He'll be right in the Trumpster's ear advocating whatever mayhem comes to his mind.
Reading this latest move by Trump hit like a ton of bricks. It was like Trump was rummaging through a manure pile-I suppose fertilizer for the White House Rose Garden-and found Bolton sticking his head out from under it. Hmm, the "Donald" must've thought he'll be good fertilizer for the Rose Garden as well as be my new national security advisor.
Sorry for the sarcasm but with Bolton he might suggest placing a stick of dynamite under the seat of Kim Jong-un when Trump meets the Korean leader in May. However Bolton wouldn't be in the vicinity. He'd do a Dick Cheney and be in some undisclosed location.
Seriously, when I think of a leader he's, she's of course a decision maker. He also knows how to delegate. He knows he can't do it all and must trust those under him. He wants loyalty and has people around him who are on his wavelength. But he also has the inner strength to want people around him who take divergent views to his own so he'll be able to reflect on the decisions he'll have to make. He has strong ethical character and realizes compromise is necessary at times. And political ideology has no place in the decision making process i.e. one doesn't make a decision based on ideology when facts refute that ideology.
"Dubya"-the antithesis of a leader-knew Saddam Hussein's Iraq had no WMD and he certainly wasn't in league with Osama bin Laden. But the ideological decision had already been made to invade Iraq. Saddam not having any WMD was irrelevant.
I believe Bolton is this type of character to push his war thirsty neo-con ideology in Trump's ear and Trump being the weak character he is will follow Bolton's recommendations.
That's a recipe for war.