America's education system has fallen behind other countries, he noted. "The relative decline of American education is untenable for our economy, unsustainable for our democracy and unacceptable for our children – and we cannot afford to let it continue."
To recover from this decline, Obama put forward some basic reforms he hopes Congress, states and local school districts will consider as a way to improve the quality of American education.
The president called for overcoming ideologically-motivated divides on the issue and for combining new investments in education with new reforms. He challenged students, parents, teachers, administrators, state and local governments as well as Washington politicians to do better and to work together to rebuild the education system.
The president touted a plan to help an additional 150,000 pre-school children enter the Head Start program as part of the economic stimulus package. This plan will create several thousand jobs and give tens of thousands of new lower-income pre-school aged children exposure to basic language, reading and math skills.
Beyond this, the Obama administration has proposed issuing grants to states that can demonstrate success in preparing pre-school children for kindergarten.
For K-12 schools, the Obama administration has created what it calls a "race to the top fund" for states and districts to improve curricula and reward teachers who demonstrate success. In addition, the administration will support a joint effort by teachers, community leaders and other education professionals to construct national education standards.
Obama also called for lifting state-imposed caps on the number of controversial charter schools that have demonstrated success, but also urged closing those charter schools that have failed.
On the topic of higher education, Obama pressed for increasing Pell Grants and tying them to the cost of living, as well as boosting subsidies for families who are paying for college.
In his speech, President Obama expressed support for stronger national standards, pointing out that "[t]oday’s system of fifty different sets of benchmarks for academic success means 4th grade readers in Mississippi are scoring nearly 70 points lower than students in Wyoming – and getting the same grade. Eight of our states are setting their standards so low that their students may end up on par with roughly the bottom 40 percent of the world."
The president further explained that his goal is to treat teachers "like the professionals they are" and give them the support they need to be successful, but to also hold them accountable for high standards.
The push for rigorous national standards of excellence in education have been welcomed by the teachers' unions. In an op-ed in the Washington Post last month, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten argued, "Abundant evidence suggests that common, rigorous standards lead to more students reaching higher levels of achievement."
"I propose," Weingarten continued, "that a broad-based group – made up of educators, elected officials, community leaders, and experts in pedagogy and particular content – come together to take the best academic standards and make them available as a national model."
The National Education Association (NEA), another major teachers union, agreed with Weingarten's proposal. In a statement released after the president's March 10th speech, NEA President Dennis Van Roekel welcomed President Obama's broad vision for reform.
The NEA "advocate[s] for improving professional development and mentoring for new and less effective teachers; a national investment in recruiting some of the most talented individuals into the field of teaching, as well as investing in scaling up innovative teacher preparation and induction models; and raising teachers' compensation based on their knowledge and skills," Van Roekel said.
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