Not-A-Sonnet Sonnet (Don't Worry, I'm On It)
by John Kendall Hawkins
Mmm, Nui Nui Puffa Puffa Rice
volcanoes spume, beware of fallen mice
The day Tony was Conigliaroed
William Burroughs's wife was bow-and-arrowed
What you don't understand is we don't care
we hate you more if you don't show no fear
L'oiseau que tu croyais surprendre
Money on the barrel first, then prentendre
When the quantums get here, then again not
a new strobelight dance craze will have been sought
Oh. Billions and billions returned to dust
a measly fuckin handful still discussed.
The horse fire scream barns / constellated black hole dreams / of epiphanies
We made unctuous / love under the table Break / fast at Tiffanys
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