The latest casualty report of the massacre in Norway stands at 92. Our hearts go out to this beautiful frigid country. One can only hope that Norwegians will react to their catastrophe more sensibly, humanely, honestly and morally than has been the American experience.
Ah, dear Norway, blessed with more geographic beauty than anywhere else I've seen in my far ranging travels, some of the worst weather and shortest winter days, and second only to England in unsavory cuisine -- now this.
Norway did open wide its icy doors to refugees, including a considerable number of Muslims in disproportion to its population. And they've done well there in a country that does not permit poverty. College there is free, as is medical care. Taxes are very high by American standards, but well worth it in their rewards, something that Americans have great difficulty in coming to grips with. One personal note is that their extensive public transportation features cleanliness superior to that of many American kitchens I've witnessed.
And now this. But it appears -- thus far -- that Norway has not defined this as an "act of terrorism that requires reprisals and additional protective measures -- however onerous -- of our citizens," as one suspects would be and has been the typical American reaction, not to mention official lies and massive foreign invasions.
However, it may be that this incident is indeed an example of the prejudice that does exist in some quarters of Norwegian society with regard to immigrants, especially Muslim immigrants, and against those of the political persuasion to stand up for immigrants' rights, which would be generally the political Left.
We can only hope that Norway in its pain, tussles with this more honestly and fairly than has been the demonstrated American wont.
Be well my friends, and may Norway do its best.
Rafe Pilgrim, after "a life largely wasted on hard honest work," found himself a jungle of turkey oak, scrub pine and giant palmettos up a dirt road running east of Crystal River, Florida, which neither school busses nor the U.S. Postal Service dare (