I have been listening to republicans bemoan the lack of patriotism by democrats because they won't give the new president a chance and support him. My first reaction was, "What? Like republicans supported Obama?". Although I expected the Republican news network (fox) to push this 'support our president' line, I have been surprised that several supposedly objective news sources also parrot this sort of logic. My problem is this line of 'reasoning' is calculated to try and "normalize" Donald Trump. A man who is anything but normal.
How do you "normalize" a pathological liar? A racist with a sociopathic worldview, couple that with being utterly self absorbed and the fact that he stunningly ignorant of world affairs and how government works and not interested in learning. He has been exposed as an insecure childish narcissist who is uniquely unsuited to be commander in chief.
Many professionals in the area of mental health have pointed out these obvious flaws. My favorite is John D. Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who teaches psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School... his professional assessment of Trump: "Donald Trump is dangerously mentally ill and temperamentally incapable of being president".
To try and normalize this insecure, hate filled, lying kleptocrat is absurd. We must oppose and expose his every sick maneuver to ignore the Constitution, obstruct the law and avoid fairness. Donald Trump is a blight on decency and equality and we must have the guts to speak truth to his corruption. We must demand a complete investigation into his relationship with Putin and we must do it quickly. Before he has time to destroy our standing in the world and our economy. Before he incites hatred from people around the world and empowers hate groups like ISIS.
This is happening! The threat is dire. Time for action is now!