As the war system keeps societies in a state of permawar, we have reached a stage in human history at which we can say with confidence that there are better and more effective alternatives. Of course we know the question: "You say you are against war, but what's the alternative?" This event will develop answers to that question, building on World Beyond War's publication A Global Security System: An Alternative to War. (A second edition will be published before the conference and we welcome all input!)
The event will feature sessions focused on such topics as:
- Strategies to End War
- Ending War and Patriarchy
- Remaking the Mass Media for Peace
- Capitalism and transition to Peace Economy
- The Racism of War
- Promoting Peace Begins With Abolishing War
- War Isn't Working, and It Isn't Necessary: Why we need complete abolition, even of humanitarian wars
- Diplomacy, Aid, and Nonviolent Peacekeeping and Protection
- Disarmament, and Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
- Closing Bases
- Protecting the Environment from War by Ending War
- Changing War Culture to Peace Culture
- International Law. Can War Makers Be Held Accountable? Can We Achieve Truth and Reconciliation?
- Demonstrations, Direct Action, Resistance and Counter-Recruitment
- Untold History of the United States
- Nonviolent Action: Getting to Work
- Bringing United States into the International Criminal Court
- Resistance, Ending the Draft, Countering Recruitment, Creating Free College
- Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
- Freeing Palestine
- Young People Organizing for Peace
- Improving the Alternative Global Security Strategy
- Building Friendship Between the United States and Russia
Features video from Jeremy Corbyn on Saturday just as he is expected to be reelected leader of the Labour Party in England.
Also features: Dennis Kucinich, Kathy Kelly, Miriam Pemberton, David Vine, Kozue Akibayashi, Harvey Wasserman, Jeff Bachman, Peter Kuznick, Medea Benjamin, Maurice Carney, David Swanson, Leah Bolger, David Hartsough, Pat Elder, John Dear, Mel Duncan, Kimberley Phillips, Ira Helfand, Darakshan Raja, Bill Fletcher Jr., Lindsey German (by video), Maria Santelli, Mark Engler, Maja Groff, Robert Fantina, Barbara Wien, Jodie Evans, Odile Hugonot Haber, Gar Alperovitz, Sam Husseini, Christopher Simpson, Brenna Gautam, Patrick Hiller, Mubarak Awad, Michelle Kwak, John Washburn, Bruce Gagnon, David Cortright, Michael McPhearson, Gareth Porter, John Reuwer, Pat Alviso, Larry Wilkerson, Thomas Drake, Larry Johnson, John Kiriakou, Craig Murray, Raed Jarrar, Alli McCracken, Lilly Daigle, Alice Slater, Bob Spies, Jan Hartsough, Taylor Piepenhagen.
WHAT: Panels, workshops, and 9 a.m. Monday the 26th protest at the Pentagon.
WHERE: American University, School of International Service
WHEN: September 23-25.
Also includes presentation of Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence to John Kiriakou by other whistleblowers including Thomas Drake and Ambassador Craig Murray.
How to get there:
Live Stream: http://therealnews.comFriday and Saturday events will be livestreamed at and videos posted there within three days after.
There is no more room to register to attend or to allow anyone in who is not registered.
You can, however, sign up for the protest at the Pentagon on September 26th here.