Republicans want to out a whistleblower, storm a secure hearing room with their cell phones and otherwise protect a president who is arguably a criminal and a serial liar.
And their Barnum and Bailey antics just might work. After all, as P.T. Barnum reportedly once said, "There's a sucker born every minute."
So, it is more than possible that the Democratic House of Representatives will impeach President Donald John Trump for shaking down the president of Ukraine, among other documented misdeeds.
It is equally possible the Republican-controlled Senate will clear him.
You say nothing else can go wrong. How about enough Americans come out of the woodwork to re-elect Trump next year?
Something similar happened in 1972, when the parents and grandparents of today's voters gave President Richard Milhouse Nixon a landslide victory. The win happened as press reports started informing the public that Nixon might be a crook. "Watergate" articles didn't mean much when folk went to the polls that fall. Who can say for sure what the descendants of those voters will do in the privacy of a polling booth in 2020?
Of course, impeachment proceedings commenced in Nixon's second term. And a different kind of Republican Party dealt with their problem president. A collection of GOP politicians went to the White House to tell Nixon it was time to go. He did. Nixon even gave a famous interview after he left town, basically saying a president can't break the law.
Sound familiar?
Heck, longtime Trump pal Roger Stone, now on trial for lying to Congress, even sports a Nixon tattoo on his back. Better still, Trump brags about a letter he got from Nixon more than 30 years ago. The shrewd political pro wrote the missive because he thought he spotted another shrewd political operator. click here
It is also worth remembering that voters in 1972 overwhelmingly rejected an honest man who ran for president as a Democrat.
George McGovern was that honest man. He opposed the war in Vietnam. McGovern was also painted by the Nixon team as a dangerous, far-left pol who wanted to destroy all that was good and decent in the United States. "Nixon pilloried McGovern rather unfairly as radically ultra-liberal on everything, which was far from the truth; how could McGovern have gotten elected to three Senate terms from a very conservative state if he was?" Sean Munger wrote in his Biggest Losers blog. click here
This pattern may also repeat itself in 2020. Trump has already sent up flares describing the Democrats who oppose him as socialists.
Are there enough Americans ready to give in to fear and re-elect another criminal posing as a vessel of the people several decades after Nixon stepped down?We will learn soon enough if "There's a sucker born every minute" in presidential contests.
We will also find out how much faith Trump and his followers have in being politically incorrect. After all, this article is politically incorrect because it does not bow down and hold up the wisdom of the people who vote in our country.
Voters made a mistake in 1972. Their heirs may return another crook to the White House.