Cross-posted from Empire Burlesque
It was a short article, dealing with the key role that the accounting firm Arthur Andersen had played both in the unfolding Enron morass in 2002 and the murky political machinations that kept George W. Bush from facing charges over what appeared to be a fairly flagrant -- and highly profitable -- bout of insider trading in 1990. That was when yet another Bush business was bailed out -- yet again -- by sugar daddies currying favor with his sour daddy in the White House; in this case, Harken Energy. Bush became a company director and member of the audit committee -- then cashed out just weeks before Harken's stock took a deep dive.
The deal netted L'il Dub a cool $800,000+, while ordinary investors in the company took an acid bath. The hijinks were so blatant the SEC was forced to investigate, but in the end declined to take "enforcement action" against the president's son. However, as I noted in the article, the SEC made a point of declaring that...
"...this [decision] 'must in no way be construed as indicating that the party has been exonerated or that no action may ultimately result from the staff's investigation.' (Of course, this has never stopped Bush from claiming that he was 'exonerated' by the SEC.)"
All in all, the Harken caper was pretty small beer when viewed against the Bush Family's mammoth record of corruption, going back many decades, mixing politics and private profit with a cheerful amorality that easily encompassed mobsters, tyrants, gun-runners, drug dealers, religious extremists, spies and, yes, the Nazis.
I wrote a lot about this interesting history (as did others, most notably Robert Parry), and always found a ready audience on the left eager to see, rightly, the true face of American power -- sleazy, greasy, brutal, cold -- in the machinations of this clan of ruthless clowns. But I don't think we will see an equal eagerness to pursue a very similar story that broke this week about the offspring of a powerful politician trading on his White House connections to advance his private fortunes. And unlike the Harken deal (although not dissimilar from many other Bush Family deals, including the one with German fascists), this particular piece of elite corruption could have -- or is already having -- deadly international consequences.
"In the span of a few weeks, an energy firm little-known inside the United States added two members to its board of directors -- scoring connections to Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden in the bargain.
"On April 22, Cyprus-based Burisma announced that financier Devon Archer had joined its board. Archer, who shared a room in college with Kerry's stepson, Christopher Heinz, served as national finance co-chair for the former senator's 2004 presidential campaign.
"Then, on Monday, the firm announced that Biden's younger son, R. Hunter Biden, would join the board of directors.
"Why would the company, which bills itself as Ukraine's largest private gas producer, need such powerful friends in Washington?
"The answer might be the company's holdings in Ukraine. They include, according to the firm's website, permits to explore in the Dnieper-Donets Basin in the country's eastern regions, home to an armed pro-Russian separatist movement. They also include permits to explore in the Azov-Kuban Basin of the strategic Crimean peninsula, annexed earlier this year by Moscow."
So: a Ukrainian energy firm with holdings in pro-Russian Ukraine has just hired the son of the US Vice President -- who has been Washington's point man in supporting the coup regime in Kyiv -- to a prominent and no doubt well-remunerated position. At the same time, Washington has been fierce and forceful in its support for the Kyiv regime's violent efforts to quell the kind of opposition in Western Ukraine that it employed to take power in the capital; i.e., occupation of public spaces with the support of armed militias, with support from foreign entities (the Kremlin in eastern Ukraine; Washington (and US oligarchs) in Kyiv).
America policy in Ukraine -- securing control of eastern Ukraine by the Kyiv regime, and, if possible, the rollback of Russia's annexation of the Crimea -- has now become directly tied to the personal family fortunes of the American Vice President and Secretary of State. In what way is this remotely different from the corruption of the Bush Family that once stuck so painfully in "progressive" craws? And yet, is it even remotely conceivable that we will see the same angry attention to this blatant baksheesh that we saw back in those Bush Regime days of yore?
UPDATE: It looks like L'il Hunter and Devon might be in high cotton. On Thursday night, the New York Times reports that Rinat Akhmetov, Ukraine's richest man and once a major backer of Ukraine's ousted pro-Russian president, Victor Yanukovich, has now thrown his support and his money behind the American-backed Kyiv regime. According to the Times (which of course doesn't breathe a word of Akhmetov's unsavoury past), Akhmetov has ordered "his" workers onto the streets of Mariupol, Donetsk and other eastern Ukrainian cities to reassert the control of the Kyiv government. The pro-Russian forces have "melted away," even in Donetsk, ground zero of the resistance, and oligarchical control is being re-established.
Of course, Akhmetov has long-standing ties to John McCain and his rightwing network, so it's not surprising to see him turning his ermine coat this way and that as the prevailing winds blow across Ukraine. The oligarchs are banding together on every side of the ostensible conflict -- Ukranian, Russian, Republican, Democrat -- and the fix, as always, as ever, is in.
So good luck, Hunter! I expect we'll see you on a national ticket someday -- maybe with Chelsea Clinton -- running against one Bush or another, with Ukrainian oil money (suitably laundered) pouring into your campaign coffers -- and into that future Bush campaign as well.