Dear New York City MoveOn member,
When it comes to public schools, do you think New York City spend too much money, or not enough?
Pretty easy question, right? Not for the mayor and city council.Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed cutting over $300 million from New York City public schools and removing 6,000 teachers. This would mean cuts to all schools and would lead to the sharpest rises in class size in over thirty years.
Arts, music, performing arts, physical education, career and technical education, libraries, and intervention services would also be hard-hit.The mayor's budget represents a major step backwards in New York's commitment to quality education and is morally unconscionable.
That's why I created a petition to Mayor Bloomberg and the New York City Council, which says:
"We are calling on Mayor Bloomberg and the City Council to invest in school improvement, not cut programs, increase class sizes, or take teachers out of the classroom."
Will you sign the petition? Click here to add your name, and then pass it along to your friends:
--Harrison Watkins, Alliance for Quality Education
The text above was written by Harrison Watkins, not by MoveOn staff, and MoveOn is not responsible for the content. This email was sent through MoveOn's secure system, and your information has been kept private.