1. The means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely in the form of speech or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements.
2. An intervening agency, means, or instrument by which something is conveyed or accomplished with expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up.
Madoff [meyd-awf] - noun
1. An interaction of an individual with one or more other persons, esp. as influenced by their assumed relational roles of ponzer and ponzee. (”the governement bailout required specific Madoffs be made with taxpayer money)
2. An unfinished or incompleted pyramid where the bricks are taken from the foundation level to be used to create other levels.
3. An enron accountant or wallstreet executive
Stimulie [stim-yuh-layh] - noun
1. an agent, action, or condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psychological response to deflect a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive..
2. an intentional payoff, a bribe
Brain-truss [breyn-truhs] - noun
1. A supportive device, usually a think tank, used to prevent enlargement of a peaceful population or the return of a moral order. (”Rebuilding Americas Defenses [PNAC] was the brain-truss behind the Iraqi invasion)
Bushrendition [boosh-ren-dish-uhn] - noun
1. The handing over prisoners to countries where torture is allowed by a inferior moral administration: a bush-league Geneva Convention violation
1. Abnormally recurring visual imagery that causes images to persist to some extent even after their corresponding stimulus has left. This often results in mild to severe anxiety or depression. Palinopsia sometimes appears on its own, but is more often accompanied by other visual disturbances such as pink pregnant moose .
2. Excessive winking or blinking
3. The area between Russia and Alaska with an imaginary bridge