A Cold Fusion documentary, "The Believers" has been awarded the Gold Hugo Award for Best Documentary Film of the Chicago Film Festival.
The documentary is ultra-cautious, and actually understates the certainty that researchers now share about cold fusion. Whether the phenomenon can be tamed and captured as a transformational new technology remains to be seen; but the physical effect is now undeniable.
Background: the big picture
The dawning of the "energy era" took place when we first captured embers after raging forest fires had passed. Fire keepers brought warmth and nurtured life" throughout the cold winters... and light through the darkness of night.
Over time we learned to create fire (with wood). This "energy era" was soon excited by the discovery of early liquid fuels; plant volatiles (turpentine - paraffin - alcohol - etc.) also - hand in hand came the animal oils (whale was king). Then came solid fuel beyond wood. (Discovery of coal) Then came the gaseous/liquid fuels. (Methane, butane, acetylene, etc) Now we have petroleum and all its' benefits (kerosene, gasoline, diesel, etc) and its' detriments (pollution).
Each increased our ability to create and store nutriment (powering food and industry) for our survival. Nurturing abilities further our survival. Processing grains, the canning of fruits, vegetables, and meats increased our survivability.
Beyond all of that, petroleum and electrification gave us the ability to fuel transportation (the shipment of goods), and energize refrigeration (create negative/cold energy zones). Which increased our ability to nurture" (Preserve and deliver foods) enabling more to survive.
Uranium energy density is scarce, dangerous, and so toxic that it simply is not adequate for nurturing humanity.
Energy (fire) has become so important that our present conceptualizations of energy will no longer suffice.
Cold fusion energy holds the promise of clean, unlimited, and inexpensive energy, without significant radioactive waste. NASA and Naval Research Labs have small research programs, but for the most part, DOE has been behind and in the dark.
Tell your Congressman to support hearings on LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions), and to fund a big boost for research.