I have been studying available information to learn why humanity is suffering so much, who is behind it, what is the game plan, and why are we being fed lies about it. I have been reading many books trying to make sense of it all for about 15 years. Before the 2016 election I had developed a clear picture of the goal of our 1%.
However, I found that this didn't help to coalesce the mass movement needed to start a successful political revolution. The propaganda machine of the 1% is too strong and has such a long history of success in keeping us looking at false flags while they carry out their plan, that the resistance to critical thought is well nigh insurmountable.
And you can't design a strategy to overcome the powers that be unless you have a firm and accurate picture of what their goal and plan is.
This election shows just how far away we are from being ready to fight. We are becoming weaker every day. Like Don Quixote we tilt individually against our personal windmills and exhort each other to join our own fight. So we have a contingent for each issue that is a part of our shared suffering, and we can't coalesce to form a unified force against the 1% who are draining us.
The new book by Prof.Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of War, click here, may help to paint a picture of the issues that confront us. But why is war being globalized? Who is really behind it, and what do they want? What makes them so successful in hiding their true intent? What is their plan? What can we do about it? These are the questions that we need to address.