The terminology post-conflict reconstruction was meaningfully and institutionally practiced after 1997. The world bank's research found post-conflict countries are almost always plagued by population displacements, damaged infrastructure, reduced productive capacity, devastated government revenue base, seriously weakened human and social capital, and greatly reduced security.
The post conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding in general understood in two different dimensions, one is called democratization and other is DDR (Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegration). Additionally, Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) also deals with the security sector reform (SSR), and democratization, reconfiguration, restructuring, reconstruction and reinforcement (D-RRRR) of overall system and mechanism of government and state.
The world public sector report, 2010 highlights the main goal of peace and conflict reconstruction is to ensure peace and security, fostering social reconciliation and cohesion and promoting socioeconomic development. Therefore, on the basis of the goal, it is clear that it has greater influence and affiliation in over all post conflict management.
Officially the PCRD was started in Nepal on 8th of December, 2006, after comprehensive peace accord concluded between the Government of Nepal and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).
It covers the 10R of concerned sectors that are rescue, relief, return, revive, reintegration, rehabilitation, resettlement, reconstruction, reconfiguration and renormalization of victims.
The areas and scope of the theme PCRD cannot be limited in certain proscribed form. It can be enlarge and shortened in accordance with the situation of the nation and its people. So, it is almost open ended process within the post conflict-transitional situation of the any nation.
There are several problems and challenges are going on to enforce the PCRD in effective, efficient and successful manner. Firstly the, politicians and political parties are dishonorable to respect the comprehensive peace agreement. They are totally polarized and express serious differences to complete the peace process and constitution building process at its needy logical end.
The interim constitution of Nepal has also assured people for the restructuring of the whole nation including installment of suitable federal and inclusive system in Nepal. But the political parties have remained reluctant to come consensus on basis of design, develop, and content of federalism in integrated way.
The state is fragile. The governance system is weak and the country is suffering with massive scarcity of carrying and absorbing capacity. In this context, it is hard for the poorest country like Nepal to maintain one hand survival affairs and other hand additional duties and responsibilities towards PCRD without having necessary support from internal and external powers.
Currently people seem divided based on their communality. Everyone express its superiority. Nation Building and national unity is suffering with big crisis. There are several hindrances to transform diversity into pluralisms. People try their best to go in confrontation rather than compromise or consensus in accordance with the national interest and contemporary need.
The corruption, misuses, power centric performances are being high, bureaucracy is changing its form in beuropathology, and everything is being politicized except politics. All parties and its leader are ignoring the national need and interest.
People living in rural areas is about to die in absence of proper basic services and development. Gini value is saying the gap between poor and rich are higher day by day. The state is suffering with labour shortage, agriculture, industry, infrastructure development process are under unwanted delay due to absence of adequate laborers, working friendly environment etc. Social and family disintegration are still underway. Conflict affected people are traumatized and suffering with several psychological disorders, ill-migration, unemployment and physical trauma are high and remained unattained in several part of the state.
The many part of the state is suffering with new insurgency and communal ethno-regional conflicts in the name of several organized and unorganized groups. Therefore, there is nothing in order except the individual and family life of top class politicians. The PCRD has come under critical phase, though it is working in tortoise speed.
It is just something is better than nothing. Therefore, all political parties and its leaders should be united urgently in one platform with positive attitude to encounter the mentioned challenges and difficulties tactfully, collectively and systematically in scientific manner. With all of these, all ongoing efforts and supports of PCRD for productive and successful results in timely basis will be achieved.