Nebraska Medicaid finally won. They murdered me! It's been a battle for my life for almost 3 years. I have finally lost the battle. I am going to die. I will never make it into the Mayo Clinic under the charity program in time. I have been murdered. The last attack on me took all that my body had left. Now I live with horrific pain and wait. The time is near. I know my fate or perhaps I've always known my fate. I did not know that being found innocent came with a price tag of torture and a sentence of death in Nebraska and through Nebraska Medicaid.
I ran for City Council to help the elderly and the poor and made many enemies doing so, but it is not the first time I've been attacked for speaking out and standing up against those who have forgotten what a true America is and once was.
Nebraska Medicaid is true to the Coors fascist who hold more power than I've ever seen or heard of anywhere in America. There has always been a line that you just don't cross, but in Nebraska, Medicaid has no such line and commits horrific crimes against its own citizens, even murder.
When I wrote the article for OpEdNews, I was shocked at the support that so many showed to me and the compassion I thought no longer existed. Mr. Rob Kall was always a friend and believed in me and many, many others at OpEdNews did as well and for the first time in the years of being tortured I felt a glimmer of hope. However, Nebraska Medicaid took that glimmer away with an all out attack on me for writing the article. They used doctors and hospitals to attack me. Bryan East LG Hospital put on my medical files that I was opioid addicted without any proof; not an arrest record; not any detox center; not any record whatsoever of me ever having had an opioid problem. Yet, they just wrote that in my medical record. They also wrote that I was a drug addict and addicted to hydrocodone. Yet my blood level was -10 Tylenol showing that I had less pain medicine in me than someone taking extra strength Tylenol; yet I was put down on record as being addicted to hydrcodone; no proof; no doctor's records; no nothing of me being a drug addict except for a NE Medicaid outright lie against which I was proved 100% innocent by the Nebraska Attorney General, Jon Bruining, who, I'm sure, is wishing he had not gotten involved now that he knows who I am.
Nebraska Medicaid, with the illegal help of doctors and a hospital that work side by side with Nebraska Medicaid, made me into a monster over night. There is a medical record filled with fabrications and contradictions.
I've never been arrested for drugs or been around anyone that does illegal drugs. In fact, a representative of the Nebraska board of health for drug addicts and alcoholics interviewed me for hours. Her conclusion was that I was not an alcoholic, I was not a drug addict nor had I ever had anything to do with drugs. Why is that not in my medical records? As a matter of fact, she was appalled at the accusations and could not conceive of why they would say such things that were simply untrue. I did tell her that I wanted and needed counseling, not for alcohol and not for drugs, but for the living hell that Nebraska Medicaid had put me through.
In January I showed positive for Addison's Disease and my cortisol
levels were 14 and 17. Nonetheless, Dr. Jackson found out that his p.a., Julie,
had me seen by an endocrinologist and then voided all prescriptions. I was bedridden for 6 months at the end of
My wife had an all out fight with Dr. Jackson and demanded that he do a cortisol test. On June 2nd I was carried to the car and brought to Pawnee Clinic to get an a cortisol blood test and brought back again at 4:00 pm and given another cortisol blood test. The following day we received a phone call stating that my levels were back and they were now 3.1 and 2.1, meaning my adrenal glands were completely destroyed.
I thought there could be no pain on earth worse than the last 6 months of pure hell I had gone through, but I was very, very wrong. Dr Jackson wrote me a prescription of 3 different steroids that, when combined, turn toxic. I turned purple, went blind, could barely breathe and had severe chest pains. I thought they finally killed me. My wife, a nurse of over 25 years, and another LPN knew death was near. They drove as fast as possible to get me into Bryan East LGH, yes, the very same hospital that had outright lied. However, no one was thinking about that, nor did we care. I needed help fast and time was running out.
The emergency room nurse saw my wife and her friend, Janet, and my
daughter carrying a purple man and she yelled for help. I was blind and could not see what was
happening. They ran out with a stretcher
and got me into the emergency room. After
checking my blood pressure, people were screaming and running around me yelling,
"Hold on, you have to hold on."
I could hear my wife crying.
They quickly put nitroglycerin under my tongue - two in 29 minutes. They put an I.V. in my arm and pumped me with
Toprol. They were fighting to get my
blood pressure down. I heard one nurse
saying, "He's going to have a stroke." After
what seemed like a life time, they got my blood pressure down.
Janet, my wife's friend, and an LPN told the people in the emergency room that Dr. Jackson tried to treat me for Addison's Disease, which should be treated by an endocrinologist, and poisoned me.
They admitted me into the hospital and I was treated to a night of horrors. The bed was too high and I did not have my cane. I was in such pain throughout my body. I was told to shut up. A pee pan was placed on the eating tray for me to use. I was in too much pain to use it. I was still in the clothes that I'd came in with (which should have been my first clue). The nurse shot me up with Oxycotin. I could see again, but was still in too much pain to get on my knees on the bed to pee. The next morning, Doctor Joseph L. Kummer came into the room and - well - it's in the other column that I write for OpEdNews and I don't want to bore you with repeating it.
I did forget to tell you that while in the emergency room I had apnea 37 times. That means I completley stopped breathing 37 times, which I did not know before.
But here's what the hospital report states:
"I, Ronald Grim, admitted to Dr Joseph L. Kummer that I faked chest pains to get into the hospital to see an endocrinologist" -
a total and outright lie. It also stated I had a long History of narcotic and alcohol use, another outright and complete lie.
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