Miley Cyrus cardboard cutout by Gage Skidmore
Questions have answers. Puzzles have solutions. Mysteries require explanations. These mysteries keep me awake at night because I'm not sure there are any explanations. In no particular order (kind of like a nightmare) the mysteries are:
If President Obama has done nothing, as the Republicans claim, why is it that they blame him for everything from the government's Katrina failure (3 years before he took office) to the disintegration of Miley Cyrus' public image? (Just kidding about Miley Cyrus, but I wanted to get her name in this piece to increase readership.)
Christopher Hitchens, the recently deceased anti-theist author asked this one first: "Why did God leave the human race to suffer and die alone for the first 100,000 years of its existence and only decide to intervene in the last few thousand years and then only in illiterate and barbaric regions of the Middle East?"
If Obama is such an anti-American socialist, anti-business, hater why are the stock market and corporate profits setting new records?
Why is it that the very people who suffer from the fiscal policies of the conservative right insist on keeping them in power? For instance, if trickledown economics works as well as they say it does, now that the 1 percent owns 70 percent of all the wealth in America, why is it that 80 percent of Americans only possess 7 percent of the wealth?
If abstinence only sex education works so well, why are the pregnancy rates higher in regions that only teach abstinence? For instance, Mississippi leads the way at 55 births per 100,000 teenagers and abstinence only education when and if it is taught at all?
So why do people in red-leaning states hate the government and the takers who feed at the public trough when its them that take more than they pay? For instance, from, "Of the 32 states which receive more than they contribute, 27 states (84%) are REPUBLICAN. Of the 18 states which contribute more than they receive, 14 states (78%) are DEMOCRATIC."
If the Bible is true in every way, why is one of the most important facts in Christian theology portrayed differentially? Mark 14:12 makes it clear Jesus was crucified on the day of the Passover. John 19:14 makes it clear Jesus was crucified the day before the Passover. So which is it?
Why should I vote when I know the candidates have been pre-selected by the moneyed-interests and when they get into office are beholden to their benefactors' over the interests of the people who voted them into office?
This one's not original with me: Why are our politicians not required to wear the logos of the companies they represent in conspicuous places like athletes do?
How can a congress who has said no to everything this president has tried to do blame him for their inability to achieve anything for the last five years?
How can that same congress refuse to increase the debt limit to pay the bills that same congress has incurred and blame the whole mess on the president?
How can the Republican party refuse to support the individual mandate to purchase health insurance when it was originally a Republican concept that demonstrated its commitment to personal responsibility?
How hypocritical is it for "Tea partiers" who have private healthcare insurance and/or Medicare to deny others the protection provided by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
Finally, we don't want to pay prices sufficient to allow employers to pay living wages. We want increasing quarterly profits. We don't want to pay the taxes to fund the government benefits needed by low wage employees made that way because of people who want low prices and more profits.
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