Randall L. Stephenson, President/CEO
1431 Apple St
Dallas, TX 75204-5201
Dear Mr. Stephenson,
As an AT&T customer I have grown increasingly concerned with privacy rights and abuses of power at the highest levels in our government. I don't have to tell you about law suits against AT&T alleging illegal wire tapping in cooperation with the Bush administration.
I know you are keenly aware of the FISA bill working it's way through Congress. I have been outspoken against any grant of immunity and hope your response to this letter will put America at ease regarding AT&T's role in this issue. The very existence of such a provision raises serious concerns about privacy, our government and corporate America.
As you are no doubt aware, America is a nation of law and immunity has, as its only purpose, to look the other way while a law is knowingly being broken. No person or corporation who obeys our laws has any need for immunity.
Since I assume AT&T and it's directors would not want to go astray from US Law or from it's own Code of Ethics ( portions attached ) I see no reason you would not publish on your web sites and in major news papers, your personal guarantee to America's citizens and your loyal customers, that:
1) AT&T will refuse immunity even if offered in the new FISA bill, on the grounds that AT&T would never violate the laws of this country, nor aid and abet a violation of the Constitution of the United States of America.
2) That AT&T will not provide any wire taps or other forms of surveillance of any of it's networks without a properly executed search warrant, signed by a judge, obtained on probable cause, naming the specific person or place to be searched and the information being sought.
If you are a patriot, if you believe in the rule of law and our Constitution and your own code of ethics, such a declaration should be a no brainer and would go a long way toward comforting American citizens.
I will post a similar letter to other carriers such as Verizon, Sprint etc. and a copy will appear in several OpEd locations online, asking others to pose the same request.