A friend of mine recently wrote his own SOTU Speech, inviting others to do the same.
Here's my version...Please feel free to join in!
The United States of America is today in some ways as upside down and underwater as those poor homeowners' loans that are being foreclosed upon.
Here's my version...Please feel free to join in!
The United States of America is today in some ways as upside down and underwater as those poor homeowners' loans that are being foreclosed upon.
Our Historically huge Debt, foreign and
domestic, is beyond anything our country produces anymore.....and even our
largest export, War and Weaponry, seems to be less in demand, as we become more
and more the Pariahs of the world, and the Wal-Mart -fattened Chinese eye buying
Lockheed with their huge stash of dollars.....or else, they may foreclose on
Meanwhile, we have the largest gap in wealth
ever recorded; worse than during the Era of the Robber Barons, just before the
Great Depression. Except this time, there isn't any New Deal or WPA project
on our broke horizon, Unions and wages are under attack everywhere from the
Right, and we already have 3 wars draining our wealth instead of the promised
"Peace Dividend". All we're creating is more wounded Vets they say they can't
afford to take care of, more poor, sick and Homeless people ("Useless eaters",
in their heartless Rand-inspired lexicon) who Conservatives say do not deserve
affordable government healthcare coverage, and on the other end of this
lopsided spectrum, more grotesquely and obscenely rich selfish misanthropists
and sociopaths that mostly make up the 1% that owns over half the nation's
wealth, not to mention, MOST of the Politicians and the Supreme Court, who just
last year made Corporations Persons and their billions in Congress-bribing money
was ruled "Free Speech", and whose debilitating effect on our democratic
elections has already been seen with this new crop of corporate-sponsored
misguided Tea-party fools who fancy themselves "Populists" elected to Congress.
Absurdly, they want to help these robber barons
and crooked bankers get richer with endless tax breaks,while their crooked
politicians plot to take what little the working class has left of an already
tattered social safety net: Social Security and Medicare, all in the name of
"Fiscal Responsibility"!
In this upside-down absurd nation that
still clings to the delusion of calling itself a "free democratic country', they
want to take from the Poor and give to the Rich, and like dumb animals waiting
to be slaughtered, we are supposed to be patient and wait for...something...to
"trickle down" on us.
Instead of reigning in and prosecuting the
Bankers and international Corporate thieves that have robbed US blind, we are
instead forced to subsidize them, while the biggest crooks are given the highest
positions in the land, like foxes guarding the Henhouse!
Our economy is not the only thing upside-down
and backwards.
To placate the masses and further confuse and dumb
them down, the Rightwing, aided by their mighty Wurlitzer that we call the
Mainstream Media engages in the most pernicious Double-speak...Oppo-Speak,
really, beyond anything Orwell himself could have imagined.
Thus, Down becomes Up, Bad becomes Good, and
Wrong becomes Right, and War becomes Peace...and because that's all people hear
24/7/365, and the few who are conscious enough to care hardly even have time in
their beleagured lives to do the research or learn the history. (The rest will
"care" only when the stinking tide reaches their doorstep.)
Those who do, and speak out against this
alarming trend towards Fascism, or become Whistleblowers to the
murderous corruption of the Military Industrial Complex, are treated as
unpatriotic outcasts and "Potential Terrorists", and thus fully subject to all
the new draconian Police State laws Bush/Cheney cooked up for US after their
"Pearl-Harbor-like Event" of 9/11, all of which Obama refuses to dismantle,
preferring instead to renew and Institutionalize the "Patriot" Act abuses, from
the indiscriminate surveillance of the general populace to abominations that
include torture and illegal rendition. (witness Bradley Manning, who in a sane
and free society would rightly be viewed as a Hero).
I'm sure Obama will put the best possible spin
on things tonight, but the realities are clear, and about to get much worse if
we don't see this "change" soon, before the forces of Darkness and Fascism have
completely taken over. By then it will probably be too late, and there will be
little a down-trodden working class can do except suffer or organize an armed
revolution that stands little chance against modern police state technology.
I hope that instead people will turn inwards to
their own communities and create inter-dependent renewable local economies and
simplified sustainable systems, basically, withdrawing all energy and money from
that which can only oppress us if we participate, starting with the Military
using our young peoples' bodies, to the Banking system using our money, and the
Good Cop/Bad Cop political system using our votes to legitimize their theft of
our Economy and make a sham out of our Democracy.
If we the People can't save ourselves, we'd better
hope some other nation will do it for us, the sooner the better, because the
leadership we have now, from the ineffective POTUS to the corrupt Congress and
Supreme Court, can only bring us all to utter destruction as a free people.
Bia Winter