This is a reprint from NewsBred.
No words of praise could be enough for the Modi government to refuse visas--SO FAR!--to two US officials, Susan Coppedge, anti-trafficking ambassador and Randy Berry, special envoy for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) to India.
The present Indian government has clearly seen the link between drummed-up "growing intolerance/horrific-women-conditions in India" mouthed by superstars of holy piety such as Barack Obama and Melinda Gates, the top financial dog Moody's, and shameless mainstream Indian media, which wouldn't mind sacrificing national interest as long as they could wag tails to their masters of faraway lands.
The clearly orchestrated campaign of foreign forces that drew on Indian academicians and mainstream media (as detailed in my reports in the embedded links of the previous para) did succeed in Bihar elections.
But the ferocity and persistence of their campaign--similar in proportion to actual incidents as you seeking out paratroopers to chase away a monkey on your cot--left no-one in doubt about their methods and agenda.
Right on cue, the media reported of the "concern" of British parliamentarians; their determination to raise the issue of "intolerance" with Modi on his visit to UK, post-Bihar elections. Amartya Sen, with all the gravity at his command, plunged the dagger deeper in a conference to his British audience.
The lines are clearly drawn in the sand against the Modi government. In coming weeks and months, you would find many reports in our pious media of "intolerance," bloated reporting on violence against the minority, so as to show the present government in poor light.
Lest you run away with the impression that I am a foot soldier for Modi, let me reaffirm that I am unconvinced if the present government doesn't have a communal agenda or the top-down economic policy is the right way.
But I do feel Modi wants a resurgent, strong, independent India and this is something which the West would resist with all their might. They would rather have a weak India which they could twirl on their little finger. We have seen the fate of independent-minded nations--Iraq, Libya, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia, China--to think of anything else.
How West uses the "human rights" issues, in concert with servile mass-media, to push its agenda was most vivid during the Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia last year.
Much before the Olympics began, the US media stirred up the "anti-gay image" of Russia in its columns and editorials. The impression was created that homosexuals were being persecuted in Sochi.
Neither Obama nor any official from his administration attended the games. So was the case with European Union (EU) presidents and prime ministers.
To fuel this anti-Putin barrage, Obama dispatched three retired homosexual athletes to represent US delegation: tennis star Billie Jean King, hockey player Caitlin Cahow, and figure-skater Brian Boitano. Headlines screamed out: "Obama sends message by naming Sochi delegation."
Germany marched into the opening ceremony wearing multi-coloured rainbow outfits, the unmistakable theme of international homosexuality and transgenderism.
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