This is America.
Economic figures from 2007 show the great wealth inequality.
What does that mean to Americans?
The collapse of a middle class and the impoverishment of future generations.
The figures below show the top 10%
controlling nearly 70% of wealth. The bottom 50% of US citizens control
just a little over 2% of the wealth.
Unfortunately the wealth disparities have gotten worse since
It is unbelievable that Americans continue to accept the permanent stratification of society into the few haves and the vast majority of have-nots. But socialism and economic justice are dirty words because Americans have been brainwashed into a sheeplike stupidity by their economic overlords.
Warning! This May Blow Your Mind
Insider has an excellent slide show that adds depth and breadth to
this phenomenon. Here's one graphic (via the Institute for Policy Studies)
showing that in 2007 the top 1 percent owned over a third of the
nation's wealth while the bottom 50 percent had a measly 2.5 percent.... Source: