Bombs, guns and executions are not the answer; the concepts of Zero Cost Economics are.
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Middle East madness: Muslims kill Muslims, Shia-mullahs of Iran win
By Farid A. Khavari
Since the U.S. put Ayatollah Khomeini in power in Iran in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies have been associated with terrorism and mass murder throughout the Middle East, and countless executions of political foes in Iran. The Revolutionary Guard, Quds Army, Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and recently Jahesh al-Islam, continue to deal in terror and Iran's influence grows throughout the region.
The Islamic Republic of Iran wants to take over Saudi Arabia and claim Mecca, making Shia the dominant sect of Islam and the Shia-Mullahs of Iran the leaders of the Islamic world. Saudi Arabia strives to disintegrate Iran into several independent countries to end the threat of Iran. Don't bet on the Saudis in this case; Iran has comprehensive plans and continues to make progress.
Meanwhile, Sunnis kill Shi'ites, Shi'ites kill Sunnis, and now even Sunnis are killing Sunnis as the violence spreads and escalates in the Middle East and North Africa. When that powder keg blows, it will detonate the global economy along with it.
One thing is for sure: more violence will accomplish nothing. More massacres will bring more massacres. More unrest will lead to more violence. Bombs, guns and executions are not the answer to hungry bellies and thirsty mouths.
The only way to stop the vicious cycle is with a new strategy and economic plan to defuse the radicals by creating prosperity and economic security for the masses. The concepts of Zero Cost Economics can transform Iran and the entire Middle East into thriving diversified economies with happy and busy populations who have something to live for rather than die for.