Ah yes, America's celebratory orgy of war, otherwise known as Memorial Day has come and gone.
Of course they're only "good" wars fought by the exceptional, indispensable country.
Funny though, it's not looked at in the same way by those in the rest of the world, especially those on the wrong end of our military strikes. They see us as aggressors, destabilizing their country, forcing millions to flee as refugees mostly unwanted into neighboring countries.
Our Navy, billed as the "force for good" plies the seas as if it were all an American lake but seen by others as exercising gunboat diplomacy as in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Iran. In the South China Sea using the pretext of keeping the shipping lanes open the reality is our getting in the middle of local, long standing territorial disputes between China and its neighbors, the Philippines, Viet Nam, Malaysia that has nothing to do with US interests.
Now Russia and China plan joint naval exercises in the Mediterranean as well as the Black Sea.
Could a false flag incident perpetrated by the US be on the horizon ala the phony Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1965 that was the pretext for President Lyndon Johnson to escalate the Viet Nam war?
We initiated the war in Iraq in 2003 under the pretext Saddam Hussein had WMD and was allied with Osama bin Laden on 9/11.
We've initiated coups of the legitimately elected government in Iran in 1953, Chile in 1973, attempted to invade Cuba in 1961 with the disastrous Bay of Pigs operation, along with numerous attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro.
We initiated the coup in Ukraine in February 2013 overthrowing the legitimately elected President Viktor Yanukovych and support the post coup regime in Kiev that instigated the war in eastern Ukraine against the ethnic Russian speaking Ukrainian peoples that opposed the coup.
Initiating chaos, keeping the world unstable through coups, assassinations, preemptive wars and occupations, false flag operations is the modus operandi of the US that most American people are oblivious to.
It doesn't matter if there is no imperialist adversary on the order of the USSR during the cold war, Hitler's Third Reich or Imperial Japan. If there is no real enemy that poses a threat, invent one and contrive it to be an imminent threat as was done with terrorism, Osama bin Laden and 9/11.
And it's all done to justify and perpetuate the unnecessary $trillion in defense spending each year.
Smedley Butler, the decorated Marine general wrote after his retirement in 1935, "War is a Racket" saying "I was a racketeer; a gangster for capitalism" and the interests that benefitted from our wars.
President Eisenhower in his farewell address in 1961 warned the people of the "military/industrial complex.
These men knew war and how the rich, powerful interests benefitted from those wars.
Yet we celebrate "Memorial Day" honoring those who died in America's wars; wars fought by men and women most of whom believed they were fighting for their country yet unaware they were really fighting and dying to preserve the rich and powerful interests in this country.
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