Memo obtained from the desk of Newton Wordler Orwell to his partners...
Gentlemen and gentlewomen, this week has seen our organization righted and moving forward in pursuit of our vision for a better world. Firstly, thanks to the efforts of our usual contacts in intelligence and the media, the great rabble that set out to derail our agenda last summer at American town hall meetings has now been distracted by the circumstances of that young man on the plane in Detroit. While there was much concern that his lack of success may not produce the desired effects we sought, our people at the networks have taken great lengths through their use of focused attention on the incident and subtle psychological stimuli (such as well placed graphics with emphasis on the word "terror" and the time tested use of urgent headlines preceded by the term "Breaking News") to instill in the hearts of Americans at every moment that they are in danger.
Much like during the September 11th 2001 attacks when the news ticker was introduced during that crisis, and when the decision was made afterward to keep the ticker running on the networks in order to maintain that sense of crisis so that support remained strong for our campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, the understanding of the human mind has proven essential to our cause. Though initially we were concerned that the war weary Americans may look upon the incident in a different manner, realizing that our bombing campaign began in Yemen before they were threatened by this young man, so far as we can see, this has not occurred.
From the latest incident we expect the last remnants of opposition to the Patriot Act be swept away. While protests against this necessary measure to securing control over our human capital were prevalent during the administration of our last man, our current man has successfully and with skill portrayed himself as an antithesis to his predecessor while solidifying the foundation that the previous administration has laid in place. As long as our man continues to portray the image of a grassroots champion and upholds the duties of his appointment (without "going rogue" and betraying our cause as one past holder of his office did many years ago) then there isn't any reason to think that we can't keep our momentum.
Again, understanding the human mind has proven essential in persuading the American public that rising healthcare costs are the result of their free market. This too was done by using our people in the media and in Congress to refocus the disdain from healthcare costs onto insurance companies, which have gracefully accepted the public's ire during our nightly presentations in exchange for the insurance mandate that our man at the top is set to sign into law. By skillfully setting aside the public option throughout the debate and allowing the public to maintain its illusion that government health care equates to no rationing of care and everything being paid, we have successfully convinced them to accept the reality of paying for premiums they previously claimed they couldn't afford all of this without having to address new job creation in the United States or the devaluation of the currency. The public's belief in their triumph will only make our efforts easier since they seem to embrace our achievements as their own.
Yes, there have been setbacks. Our recent lackluster results from the Copenhagen conference have proven that the inevitability of our success isn't absolute. While some in our ranks blame overconfidence in our people in the universities and media, and their failure to suppress opposition from lone wolf scientists in the secured western regions who challenge the theory of man-made climate change, much of the blame rests on our own failure to convince our counterparts in the third world to accept our vision for a "cleaner" planet. While indeed there have been other propositions for reducing pollution put on the table, they do not address the need for maintaining our investment in the western regions and the ability to continue producing the materials necessary for protecting and expanding that investment. Our counterparts are increasingly looking upon our assembly with distrust, so it is essential that we continue to stress in our communications the peril that we face from our changing climate and the unique severity of this warming period over the many others that have preceded it.
Though I have absolute confidence in our goal and that it will one day be achieved, we also must address the elephant in the room.
We have seen over the past couple years an alarming expansion of unneeded attention to our cause as new modes of communication, (most notoriously the internet), are opened to the general public. User created media sites have given the individual more power than ever before. While at first the public used it as we anticipated to engage in sophomoric banter and sexual gratification, many others have used it to raise awareness of our actions to larger audiences. Though a majority of those setting these brush fires are not in any position of authority and not of any serious concern by themselves, their ability to communicate through social networking sites has allowed their numbers to swell at a worrisome rate.
The ability of our people in the media to distract those susceptible to this new illness of rebellion and/or alienate them from their peers has greatly diminished. Though we've tried to increase the amount of less stimulating entertainment by "giving the public what it wants" this seems to have had the opposite effect. More and more people are rejecting our old solutions and paradigms, and though a great deal of the public is still blissfully unaware of our exploits or hasn"t accepted the reality of our existence a seed has been planted that could grow rapidly if watered by any more "rabble rousing" or discontent.
Thus I recommend stealth. We must voice our encouragement of this new medium and of the public's free expression through our contacts in the media, while also taking swift action to cap it.
Needless to say, if they ever realize the greatness of their numbers then our organization is doomed.
Newton Wordler Orwell.