Facing a tough challenge and fearing the embarrassment of losing a primary only a few years after becoming the Republican nominee for President, John McCain has come out in support of the new law in Arizona which legalizes racial profiling and allows police to detain Hispanics who can't immediately prove their citizenship.
Promoting the false message that conservatism equates to fascist crackdowns on civil liberties in the name of "national security", McCain is quickly aligning himself with Governor Jan Brewer, who's signing of the law punishes legal citizens as well as illegal immigrants, creating a new standard of liberty in which the common man is considered guilty until proven innocent. McCain's primary challenger, JD Hayworth, also supports the law, and introduced legislation in Congress for a similar law years ago.
From a political standpoint, the new law and the support of it by fake conservatives is representative of the wider struggle taking place within the conservative movement. On one side is the neocon faction that has hijacked the Republican party, pushing the idelogy ofinternational dominance and the supression of constitutonal rights, and on the other side are the traditional conservatives that support limited government, the protection of individual liberty, and the end of the American Empire.
Riding on the success of grassroots activists who reject the two-party sideshow, (like those in the early days of the Tea Party movement), both the the Republican and Democratic machines have carefully tried to muffle the voice of the awakening public through infiltration, subversively reshaping the protest message into one that supports the will of the controlled political establishment.
McCain's endorsement of the law no doubt is politically motivated, cashing in on the sentiments of furious Americans outraged by border violence and the federal government's inability to prevent,(and the quiet welcoming of) illegal immigrants who take advantage of the American welfare state. But what's alarming is that McCain's prominence will lend more credibility to the unconstitutional law and make it more acceptable to mainstream Republicans.
With that support the "papers please" law would have more legs. On an issue where there should be no compromise, legitimacy would be given and debate over a seemingly "reformed" version of the law would follow, with the phony Obama-left claiming the moral high ground as it bargains with the neocon right, resulting in the further solidification of the American police state.
Real conservatives must speak out against this blantant violation of liberty, because it affects everyone.
Not just illegal immigrants.
"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
and by that time no one was left to speak up."