Borders of Shatt al-Arab between Iraq and Iran
By Hamma Mirwaisi
In this video, the spokesman of Barzani's Peshmerga forces is attacking the US policies toward the Kurds. He is saying that day was over when former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger engineered the 1975 Algiers Agreement between Saddam Hussein and Shah of Iran. The US sold-out Mullah Mustafa Barzani the father of current Kurdish leader of Barzani tribe Massoud Barzani.
In short Massoud Barzani is not accepting the US policies of Middle East. Israel and Turkey are supporting Barzani tribe separation from Iraq.
This could be a game or important point that Israel is against the US Government. Israel is helping Turkey and Barzani to stand up against the US policies in the Middle East.
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The 1975 Algiers Agreement