This coming Monday and Tuesday evening, Jill Stein will take part in two real debates -- that's what we call debates that invite all the national ballot-qualified presidential candidates. And who is moderating these debates? Larry King. Amy Goodman. Thom Hartmann. And more!
Can you hold a debate-watching party to introduce your friends and family to Jill Stein and the Green New Deal? If so, let us know that:
"Yes, I want to help - contact me about holding a debate-watching party!"
Monday Oct. 22: Democracy Now!'s expanded online presidential debate where Jill Stein will respond in real time to the same questions as Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Click here for more details.
Tuesday Oct. 23: Broadcast live on Al Jazeera and on the web, Free & Equal's live online debate with Jill Stein and presidential candidates Gary Johnson (LP), Rocky Anderson (JP), and Virgil Goode (CP),with host Larry King accepting debate questions in advance on Reddit. Click here for more details.
Holding a party is a fantastic way to introduce your friends to the most visionary campaign of 2012 - and have a great time doing it.
We'll give you everything you need to organize a successful party at your house, neighborhood bar, community center, local coffee shop, or whatever your favorite meeting spot is.
Volunteer now to hold a debate-watching party for Jill Stein.
After you sign up, we'll get in touch with you to help you plan a great event.
Thanks for all you do - together we are bringing real democracy to America!
Jill Stein for President
P.S. Whether you can host a party or not, be sure to join the conversation online! Social media has more of an impact on politics than ever before and we need your help ensuring our message is heard. Join us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and YouTube and use these tips to make some noise!
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PO Box 260217, Madison, WI 53726-0217