Caricature of Obama, McConnell and Boehner
The West, led by the US is at a crossroads-which they created.
First colonialism, exploitation, slavery and genocide now initiating coups, assassinations, false flag attacks, unnecessary wars, occupations, torture, creating terrorism, destabilization and attempting to undermine all counties that refused to follow its dictate, along with neo-liberalism, austerity measures and financial indebtedness, the crisis has become exacerbated.
Now in Europe there's a refugee crisis numbering in the thousands, all as a direct result of the unnecessary wars in Africa and the Middle East that were initiated by the US with Europe taking a role as part of NATO. So as they say, "You reap what you sow?!
Of course it didn't have to be this way. At the end of WWII, the US stood as the lone superpower militarily, its industry untouched by the ravages of war where benevolence, assisting those in need could have made us the savior of the world.
Instead, the powers that be, chose exceptionalism, the indispensible country. It also the needed an "enemy" and Soviet Communism served the purpose for 40 plus years. Then along with making the people fearful of Communism, the US became an empire initiating all the malevolence above.
But with the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991 and a 10 year "lull", 9/11 helped create "terrorism" as the new "enemy". Thus the war on terror was created with the CIA keeping the world unstable, the NSA conducting illegal surveillance sweeping up all electronic communications of everyone in the world and most significantly establishing the "unitary executive" whereby the Justice Department had its lawyers write memos giving "legal" cover to any action taken by the executive and couldn't be disclosed for reasons of national security, then stating the legislature and the judiciary have no authority-under the separation of powers-to challenge those executive actions.
Call it what you will, that's a dictatorship, a usurpation of power, a silent coup, while retaining the "veneer" of a democracy.
Now China and Russia, having shed the yoke of authoritarian Communism, have risen. They're also onto US malevolence and its intent to exercise hegemony over the world. They have refused to bow before US hegemony and have been forced to go their own way setting an independent course. Their desire-respect international law, use diplomacy, have mutual respect and accept differences of others.
Yet the US, with Europe in tow seem unyielding. Lately creating unnecessary instability in Syria and Ukraine, demonizing Russian President Vladimir Putin, moving NATO to Russia's borders plus the US naval armada in the South China Sea under the guise of protecting China's neighbors, the intent seems clear, bow to US intimidation or face war.
Under such conditions, Russia and China as a result have become close economic and military allies, with no intention of buckling under US hegemony with the latter creating a new cold war.
If such a war turns hot-think of the US creating some false flag attack and then blaming the attack on Russia or China and considering factual US history in this regard it certainly isn't a farfetched notion -there will be no winners, especially if it turns nuclear.
And with some neo-con crazies mouthing "winning" a nuclear war, such madness just might bring about a nuclear conflagration with the world being annihilated.