As we know since the end of WWII-please bear with me- the US has engaged directly in hot wars-Korea, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq-lesser conflicts-Grenada, Dominican Republic, Somalia-clandestinely in Central America, countless countries with the CIA training and arming proxy mercenaries-Cuba and the Bay of Pigs- or its own special ops forces in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, not to mention the air wars in Yugoslavia during its breakup in the 1990's, currently in Syria, the drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Then there was the 45 year cold war with Soviet Union, now cold war II with Russia, the endless war on terror. Throw in the CIA initiated coups, assassinations-never mind the president's "kill lists"- and behind the scenes undermining of governments by NGO's such as "The National Endowment for Democracy", essentially a front group funded by American taxpayers to sow chaos and undermine the legitimately elected government to bring regime change -think Ukraine in 2014, earlier Chile in 1972, even earlier Iran in 1953. Quite the chilling resume.
The point being with all this militarist mayhem and misadventures mentioned above-certainly not a comprehensive list- against America's real or imagined "enemies" it's hard not to come away with any other conclusion; these machinations provide the necessary ingredients to maintain instability in the world, which is the ultimate aim and outcome of US policy; which the present endless war on terrorism fits in quite nicely.
In truth, winning or losing has nothing to do with this outcome of maintaining instability in the world, because winning or losing would mean peace and that outcome must be avoided at all costs.
Now we've all heard over the years "why lessons aren't learned" say in Iraq or earlier Viet Nam. This Wednesday from the "Moon of Alabama"[1], "Then the U.S. will again wonder why it did not learn from an earlier lesson."-referring to the failure of US machinations in Syria. Again there's never any intention to learn from mistakes; what and bring real peace in the world? No way.
With endless instability in the world, thus the need to maintain over a 1000 military bases all over that world, justify multi-$billion aircraft carriers, jet fighters, two $billion each nuclear submarines, MIRV'd ICBM missiles and bombers fitted with nuclear bombs, ABM defense systems, military satellites in space, which feeds the maw of the defense industry with the military hardware they produce necessary because of all the instability in the world-which of course we created-but presented to the people as necessary to protect us and fight our "enemies" over there so they won't attack us here. The ultimate subterfuge belying the true purpose of it all.
The gory details of our wars, occupations, death, destruction make for occasional stories, sometimes headlines but with maintaining instability in the world the actual ultimate aim, none of it matters.
Innocents killed-collateral damage-drone strikes and missile attacks on weddings and funeral processions, bombing a doctors without borders hospital in Afghanistan are just unfortunate mistakes. On the rare occasions blood money is necessary its meant to assuage relatives of the victims as compensation for the "mistake" of killing a loved one.
So on occasion when one reads in this space why US actions in the world are sinister it's because of the ultimate, diabolical malevolence of intentionally creating instability in the world. It's no wonder Pepe Escobar refers to the US as the "Empire of chaos".
Everything done domestically in the US is simply window dressing masking the real intent. Elections, political infighting, celebrity gossip, consumerism and now the cell phone obsession are useful to distract people away from seeing what's really happening and why.
[1] "Syria-Some Preliminary Positioning For An Endgame", by Moon of Alabama, "Information Clearing House", January 20, 2016