Every twenty five thousand years we have an astrological great year. This happens because of a huge astronomical cycle where we circle a star in the Pleadies named "Alcyon", ( if I got my details right ).
A "month" of this Great Year is two thousand years long. We are leaving the Great-Year-Month of Pisces and going into the Great-Year-Month of Aquarius. That is one reason things are a bit chaotic.
But there is more.
We may also be half way through a Great Year. That would be a cycle of 12,000 years. Info I have read says that Patriarchy/Agricultural Revolution is 12,000 years old. HMMM! If we are at the half way point in a 25,000 year cycle what might that do?
This is a dualistic universe, a dualism some call "Hegelian Dialectics". Things fall into one of two poles. Day and night, male and female, space and time, matter and energy. Even light has a dualistic characteristic and that is why they call it "electromagnetic radiation". ( By "light" I mean energy with a frequency too short to see, just right to see, and too long to see ). The dual poles of light are the electro and the magnetic. The magnetic part is the more holistic I believe, and the electro part is the more sequential part of that dualism.
Right now we are seeing the magnetic poles of the earth in an in-between phase. The poles of the earth are flipping. What will it be like if these poles change ... for humans that is?
I believe I read in a book by Rudolf Steiner that the brain's neurons are charged and that in a pole change the thought processes would have a wipe, like when a computer is wiped. If the magnetization of the planet is reversing polarity, and If the brains cells think with charge like a computer then the negating of this field would make things too open and too free for a bit and in this magnetic void people might think anything goes. ( Aren't we seeing that? )
But then, as the opposite charge got going, we would have a new direction. Of course that might be challenging too. And the new magnetic charge of earth ( for the northern hemisphere where most of the people are ) might be very Yin.
People who already know how to relate well to the planet with things like gardening might suddenly gain a big following.
And if a lot of macho characters suddenly had to think in a way that was more holistic rather than sequential, would they be able to handle it? That is, if they had to think more right-brained and less left-brained could they handle it?