Think outside the box, subsidized housing is not the solution. Let's get to the bottom of this. It is the uneven distribution of wealth and the unjust use of wealth that is destroying democracy, justice and the ecosystem of the earth.
Monetary Policy: The uneven distribution of wealth is encouraged by the current banking system, the under-compensated workers and the ownership of wealth including the ownership of land. Ideally we would do away with the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, and interstate banks. If that can't be accomplished we can nationalize the Federal Reserve so the government doesn't pay bankers for its own money, tax Wall Street, and go back to only local banks that deal only with banking.
Workers: The under-compensated workers could be eliminated by 40% of the shares of a company belonging to at least half of the workers with no worker owning more than 5% of the shares and the support of unions. Fifteen dollar minimum wage doesn't mean much if we have inflation so peg the minimum wage to the US Senator wage and perks and make it a living wage. It would be adjusted up based on the county attorney's salary since the minimum wage may not be a living wage in certain counties. Guarantee a job for all citizens who want a job. Private jobs for the handicapped may be subsidized by the government. Have medicare for all. Have free education for those who complete a public school or university. Then we can do away with welfare programs like food stamps and subsidized housing since they won't be needed. Socialism is not subsidizing the poor; it is creating the ability for all to earn and live a productive and satisfying life. Subsides and give-a-way programs steal self esteem from the people and give power to the government and the rich.
Social Security: It is unfair for social-security benefits to be raised by a percentage since the recipients receiving higher benefits get much more than the ones who really need it. So the benefit should be a sum of money to all recipients.
Taxes: Using increased taxes on the wealthy doesn't work since they will always find ways to avoid taxes. Ideally we would do away with the tax system of today and replace it with a 2% transfer tax on every dollar transaction that takes place. This would replace the state and local income and sales taxes too. But since that may be in the future, don't increase the tax on the rich; they will find a way around it. Change the tax laws where a corporation can take deductions off their income up to 50% of their total income if their total income including subsidiaries is over $10,000,000. This action will encourage new businesses that can compete with the large multinational corporations. Depletion allowance and mining and oil leases on federal lands will be discontinued. Bonuses and entertainment and transportation out of the country will no longer be deductible for tax purposes.
Tax Wall Street transactions. There then would be no way to dodge taxes and companies would no longer be subsidized after the 50% dollar deduction.
Land Reform: House prices are high due to the real estate they are located on. We really need land reform to solve the housing problem. The conventional way of taking from the rich to give to the poor is not justice. A better way is to have a five-year time for owners of land located outside of the county where the land is located to sell to citizens in the county the land is located. After five years, all land in a county will be owned by citizens of the county and no one can be a citizen of more than one county. Outsiders can rent or lease from the locals. This system will reduce the price of real estate by limiting the qualified purchasers. Any new construction that sells ten or more units or hires 10 or more employees for five years pays no real estate taxes on the property for five years. Incentives for everyone in a category is better than incentives to select corporations.
Judicial System: Since the judicial system oversees the laws and is currently highly political, have all federal judges including the Supreme Court be randomly selected from a pool of qualified people for a term of nine years.
International policies: We have to acknowledge that people with power often get fixated on having more power. We also realize that killing people or taking their resources makes enemies. The current laws of non-interference in other nations is not being enforced since the "regime-change" philosophy has become dominate. We cannot have one nation be in control of the world so we must diversify the power. The USA must cut its military expenditure in half and use the cut funds for improving the nation. Tariffs, blockades, and sanctions should be outlawed world wide. An international monetary system owned by all countries can replace the dollar as an international monetary exchange system. All currencies would be pegged to the international monetary system. The UN should have more power to enforce human rights in all countries. All foreign military aid and sales would be forbidden.
Environmental policies. The elimination of all tax deductions and subsidies to the nuclear and carbon energy sector will help tremendously. A substitute for concrete is needed since the manufacturing, distribution and use of cement is one of the great CO2 producers since it takes ten tons of energy for each ton of concrete and it is second to water as the most used commodity in the world. The Green New Deal needs to be supported.
Education: I like the system whereby the government loans the money for tuition, books, and stipend when attending a public institution of higher learning and when the person graduates, all loans and interest are forgiven; if they take advantage of the program and don't graduate, they have to pay the loan back.
Transportation: An interstate-railway system based on the interstate-highway system will increase passenger usage and lower freight times. Enable anyone to be able to invest in engines and rolling stock and pay toll on the railways they use. This system will increase business, reduce tremendously the use of non-renewable resources and will also speed transfer of military equipment during peace and war time. The non-subsidized oil industry will increase the price of oil and gas creating more local jobs since the cost of world shipping will make local produces competitive.
Health: Medical for All is great but Medical for All should have its limits for those who repetitively abuse their bodies.
Agriculture: Concentrate on feeding the citizens good, safe, and nourishing food instead of exporting product. With the new land reforms and taxing reforms, small farmers can again compete and make a living wage. The EPA should rigidly enforce regulations denying the use of unhealthy products and environmentally destructive agents.
International trade: Due to the high cost of world shipping due to the elimination of subsidies, world trade would be reduced. More products would be produced locally thus requiring less exports to offset imports. If a ship uses subsidized energy, the importing country may charge the ship the difference in fuel cost.