Before he pulled the trigger, Roof allegedly said to his victims, "I have to do it." He continued, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go."
This is being understood as a clear expression of hate speech as prelude to a hate crime of mass murder. But given that understanding, Donald Trump, who recently announced he was running for President, made a similar statement which is clearly an incitement to violence, when he said, "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists."
Dylann Roof did not think up the idea that blacks are raping white women; he heard or read it from right wing racist websites or from politicians like Steven King or Donald Trump.. and believing these people, he felt compelled to murder black folks in a perverted sense of protecting white women and avenging past rapes. " I have to do it."
So when someone kills an undocumented worker, he will likely be hearing in his head the words of Donald Trump: "They're rapists."
We know of course that the rate of crime, overall and violent is, in fact, lower among undocumented immigrants than US citizens; and we know that the rate of rape by poor blacks is no higher than among poor whites (like Roof), according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. We know this but Roof did not. He was listening to the hate mongers like Trump.
The crimes range from bullying to outright murder.
Among those, besides, Trump and King, who have incited violence against undocumented immigrants, are Bill O'Reilly:
", O'Reilly agreed with a caller that illegal immigration "has the same impact as a major terrorist attack" that surpasses the impact of 9-11, and that immigrants are "biological weapon[s]."
and "-- Neo-Nazi radio host Hal Turner made an appeal on his web-site for people to carry out the mass murder of any "illegal aliens" sighted. "All of you who think there's a peaceful solution to these invaders are wrong. We're going to have to start killing these people. I advocate using extreme violence against illegal aliens. Clean your guns. Have plenty of ammunition. Find out where the largest gathering of illegal aliens will be near you. Go to the area well in advance, scope out several places to position yourself and then do what has to be done." This is the kind of hate speech which is prelude to hate murder, or as Roof said: "I have to do it."
Here is Michael Savage: " The illegal aliens come here not to work, but to work the system, sell drugs, rape and kill on contract."
All should be locked up, but it was Trump, with the largest audience in announcing his candidacy to lead the nation, who said, just the other day:
"They're rapists."
This is exactly the kind of (false) hate speech which incites people to murder.
The next time an undocumented worker is murdered in a hate crime, Donald Trump should be charged with instigating murder. For that is exactly what he is doing. Inciting murder is NOT free speech: it is a crime, in one sense more serious than the act of murder itself since its broadcast reaches many people like Dylann Roof and incites innumerable acts of violence.
As Jean Paul Sartre pointed out, those who justify violence are more guilty than those who execute it. When a man running for President makes a huge racist lie that instigates others to carry out the implicit message, he should be held accountable. He should be locked up for life.
retired, working radical egalitarian/libertarian socialist old school independent, vegan, survivor