Today a little digression from the "usual" found in this space. Call it little "things" that get to me (us?) or better those little annoyances we encounter, sometimes every day.
Where to begin?
What better than the ubiquitous cell phone with people conversing loudly for others unfortunately nearby to overhear in public, trains, platforms, buses, on the street, restaurants seemingly everywhere. One would think these people would want their conversations to be private, or at least be considerate of others around them. Apparently not.
Which leads directly to those often innocuous conversations between people using the word "like" seemingly every other word. Conversations overheard in public spaces when seated in close proximity such as public transportation. Do they realize they're using "like" every other word? Would they speak this way in a job interview? Maybe if they heard themselves on a tape recorder? The word "like" should be excised from the dictionary. Hearing it used in the way mentioned above is noise pollution.
Then since I'm in the city quite often there's the white, self important, gentrified, exceptional, entitled types with their smug attitude. And the bottled water nestled in their little backpack. "Hey, this ain't the Sahara". Aren't they the ones dressed in costumes for adult Halloween parties? Halloween is for kids you twits. And by the way don't look away and walk past the guy sitting at the sidewalk storefront asking for a little change so he can get something to eat.
How about the public display of kissing and caressing between adults. Whether its straight or gay. As George Carlin used to say, "Get a room".
How about driving on the roads these days and some idiot tailgating, sometimes less than a car length behind you? How about the fools using the emergency lanes to pass you?
Speaking of cars how about these cars adorned with the "flag", some huge? Are they more "patriotic" using a larger flag? There's fewer "yellow ribbons" extolling "support the troops" nowadays. By the way, "have the troops come home"?
How about "When you see something, say something" heard in public transportation centers and now posted on overhead signs on highways? Then those surveillance cameras on roads and streets. Fine near schools but on every street corner, in small towns where the speed limit sign is too small to read?
Speaking of the military seeing and hearing, "we're a force for good" makes me want to wretch. Then there's major league baseball apparently in bed with the Defense Department with huge flag and militarism displays in pregame ceremonies, spotlighting one of our "heroes" in the stands during the 7th inning stretch, teams dressed in camouflage shirts and caps as well as the team name on Memorial Day.
Since it's basketball season, enough with the student section yelling, "You suck" at the opposing team or "Air ball, air ball" every time an opponent misses the rim on a long jump shot. Maryland might be my alma mater but fans yelling "F--k Duke" and throwing water bottles at Duke fans isn't what I'd call good sportsmanship. Yeah I know Maryland is in the Big Ten, no longer in the ACC, but I see the same lack of class form the student section regardless of who they play.
And speaking of college basketball games how about fewer idiotic color commentators as in "Dickie V" and more of Doris Burke.
Then the TV commercials during time outs. Ugh. Notice additional ad time during the World Series? Thank god for the mute button.
Speaking of TV's they're proliferating everywhere, bars, restaurants, barber shops. See if you can find a place in an airport where one isn't blaring at you.
Speaking of commercial ads, how about them blinking at you after you may have browsed something or another. It seems relentless.
Here's a sign I've seen for a commercial auto body shop named "Christian Auto Body". Does that mean if you're a Muslim or a Jew don't bother? How about atheists?
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