According to the UN, over six million Ukrainian refugees have been registered across Europe.
As for Lithuania, at the moment the country's capacity to accommodate migrants has been almost exhausted. But the flow of Ukrainians may increase manifestly, which will inevitably cause financial burden on the budget of the country.
According to Minister of Internal Affairs Agne Bilotaite, over 61 thousand Ukrainians had been registered in the country, which is more than 2% of population of the republic, but it is estimated that in reality there could be much more. This is a very large number for such country as Lithuania. And this number will only grow. This means that problems will inevitably arise with resettlement of the arriving people and providing them with everything they need. The number of migrants from Ukraine could reach 100 thousand people.
It is obvious that Lithuanian government has no clear plan of action. Lithuania now ranked third in Europe in the number of Ukrainian refugees per capita. It means that Lithuanian authorities should invent new taxes to support refugees, relocate budget funds. The country risks to face living standards declining not only because of the energy crisis, but also because of the ill-conceived policy of the authorities towards migrants.