Lithuania and the dismemberment of Ukraine
Lithuania is probably the world's most insignificant country. It has fewer than 3 million people and exports nothing of importance. Should it suddenly disappear, outside of Chicago no one would blink an eye. Amazingly it was once the largest country in Europe. As part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth it ruled what we now call Ukraine for 200 years. Eventually it fell victim to the larger empires around it. Resurrected by the 20th century's ceaseless wars, it just last week declared war on Russia. You didn't hear about that? Lithuania's blockade of the Russian enclave at Kalinagrad is an internationally recognized declaration of war. Kalinagrad was once Konigsberg the Kingdom of Prussia's capital. Many commentators often say that Prussia was a part of Germany. They put the cart before the horse. Germany as we know it was a subservient part of Prussia. But Prussia/Germany suffered a catastrophic military defeat in 1945. The victors erased Prussia from the map and shoved the rest of Germany westward. Russia (then the Soviet Union) took Konigsberg as a prize of war. This Kalinagrad/Konigsberg enclave is now an important part of the Russian Federation. They will defend it with nuclear war. Lithuania's blockade and declaration of war upon Russia has dire consequences for Americans but it is kept secret from them for political reasons. Obviously Lithuania wouldn't have declared war had America/NATO not given the go-ahead. Lithuania is so trivial, nobody but Russia seems to care. That will change soon when Russia obliterates the place in the next few months. Lithuania thinks they are safe under NATO's umbrella. It's a sad joke played upon them by the American ruling elite. They lead Lithuania down the same primrose path they led Ukraine; the corridor to national suicide. The object is not only to weaken Russia but to maintain the permanent warfare state. Lithuania, Ukraine and their peoples are of no consequence.
Lithuania's declaration of war is an act of madness by the Euro-techno elites that manage European affairs. They are far out of touch with the needs and wishes of the little people they rule with an iron-hand. They owe their status as modern kings to American/NATO military might. To them, the demolition of the nations they rule (but to whom they owe no real allegiance) seems like the right price to pay for even a brief moment of great-power status. For the mostly childless and seemingly transhuman techno/bureaucratic elite, the semblance of political power that might remain to them after the war that eradicates Europe is a thrilling price they seem willing to pay.
The Americans, or more correctly, the savage clique currently in power, want war. They know they are going to be shattered in the mid-term elections. Those elections will never take place, or if they do, as an exercise in mail-order chicanery. Before that happens, the bureaucratic privileged elite that rule America will set off World War III. The sanctions on Russia did not suffice to cripple her. If fact, they had the opposite effect of strengthening Russia and its currency. So the next step is blockade; first in Kalinagrad by the proxy Lithuanians, and then the naval intercept of Russian oil-tankers at sea. Russian trade in oil is now bigger than ever. If Russia is to be cowed and humiliated this needs to stop. The result will be naval combat toe to toe between the American and Russian navies. The Americans think their aircraft carriers are invulnerable. The Germans thought the same thing about their army when they invaded Russia in 1941. It didn't end well for them.
Russia is fighting Ukraine with 20% of its armed forces. Even so Ukraine never had a chance. Poland and Romania are both set to invade and demolish what's left of Ukraine. Both those nations hate not only Ukrainians but loathe the whole concept of a Ukrainian nation. Poland wants the return of Lvov (Lviv) and the area around it. They regard it as historically theirs. Right on its border, it is. Ukraine has been a nation for 30 years, Poland for 1000 years. Figure out for yourself which has the stronger claim. Americans have a short view of history. Even the think-tank sophisticates see European borders as stable and base their prognostications on it. The opposite is the truth. European borders have widely fluctuated throughout history; never more so than in the past 100 years. In 1938 Poland, like a hovering vulture, dipped in for a tasty morsel of the Czech cadaver when Germany devoured it. The almost prostrate Ukraine is now ripe for the taking. In the next few months Poland will take what they believe is rightfully theirs.
It's the same with Romania. They want the return of Moldavia. It was once Romanian and they want it back. All they need is the go-ahead from the Americans. They will get it. The whole of Eastern Europe will soon explode into war; where it stops nobody knows. The American/NATO ruling elite figure they can keep a lid on it. Maybe they can but it's not going to be pretty. The dollar will continue to strengthen as the Euro becomes worthless paper upon Europe's collective suicide. Food in America will be an issue. Expect food riots just in time for the start of a brand-new and exciting NFL season. Gasoline will be hard to come by. Spare parts hard to get. Joe Biden and his minions tell us another plague is on the way. Will there be lockdowns? Probably. Masks? Yup and mandatory. Vax? It's gonna be deadly, so roll up your sleeve. You didn't think they'd let us be free again did you? The revolution will be televised. Prepare.