For a long time it has seemed to me that rather than arm and train the Middle East for endless strife, we should simply enable them to be informed, and to that end it would be more beneficial to bestow endless laptops to scores of people with whom we have conflicts; set up a world wide free hosting service, and let our mutual children work it all out.
Join me in this goal:
Arachnoids! Web Spinners Unite!
A Movement to unite the next generation in the information world. Funds raised in our name will be used exclusively to acquire laptops with wireless capability and deliver them to schools and individuals in nations either plagued with strife or simply cut off from society, for better or worse. Direct donations of laptops in working condition or repairable will be tax deductible. In addition, attempts will be made by us as a non profit corporation, to make worldwide access a basic Human Right , undeniable and uncensored by central governments.
Left to themselves, the next generation will construct an international language faster than you can say, "Huh?" and take off on their own with or without us; God bless their little brains.
In the meantime, just as we would give our children art supplies without telling them what to paint, and teach them to drive without telling them where to go; we must equip them for this border-leaping adventure and give them the benefit of the doubt as to their direction, for as we all know; "People really are good at heart" . (Anne Frank)