TANTRA TODAY -- Part 3: Kundalini Rising & Embodied Enlightenment Concluding with the final part of this Online Immersion, Igor has spoken in depth about the ascent of Kundalini as well as what Self-realization is in the context of ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Igor Kufayev) Details DMCA
I've been on "the spiritual path" for decades now. Hopefully I'll be writing about those years in more detail soon, here or in books (or both...) Someone whom I believe is "self-realized" herself (although that is a term itself which I've come to learn is much more complicated than I previously appreciated) introduced me to Igor Kufayev not too long ago. He is a Russian artist who eventually "came out" as a spiritual teacher, but continues to be relatively unknown. Some of his Youtube videos, in fact, only have a few hundred views. But virtually anyone who is seriously on a spiritual path, quickly comes to appreciate that Igor is simply head & shoulders above just about anyone on the scene today, with the exception of bona fide Avatars. His articulateness, lucidity and ability to put a subject into a meaningful context, with the thoroughness of the greatest of scholars, is a wonder to behold.
Igor has a channel on Youtube which one can subscribe to (free of charge) and have access to all of his Youtube videos (and there are quite a few). The topic in this particular video is Kundalini.
It's stunning to me how such a once very esoteric subject has become so popular and widespread in the West. In the state of New Jersey alone, there are literally hundreds of Kundalini Yoga centers. Mr. Kufayev's goal here is to disentangle what he believes are the many misunderstandings surrounding the matter.
I just happened upon "Part 3", so there are two previous parts, which I honestly haven't seen yet. Anyone wishing to start at the beginning is, of course, free to do so. Part 3 just happens to include an excellent summary of what preceded it. But to reiterate: this is only for the very serious aspirant, which I suspect there are actually quite a few of at OEN. I would venture to assume almost anyone else will find it unbearably boring, and wonder why any sentient being , would waste their precious time on such gibberish...:)
(Article changed on September 1, 2020 at 15:13)
(Article changed on September 1, 2020 at 15:56)