Cross-posted from Empire Burlesque
"And I was like, I killed 500,000 Iraqi children with my sanctions! And George here, yuk yuk, he was like -- "
"And I was like, 500,000? Hellfire boy, I can do better than that! We bagged us more than a million of them 'Rackies, har har har!"
"Yeah -- haw haw haw -- you bigged it up, Texas style! And now Obama's gonna get him some of his own!"
"Now don't start with that stuff, George, hee-haw, har-har! Hillary might be in the audience, yuckity yuk yuk!"
"Reckon how many 'Rackies she'll rack up when she's Prez, Bill? -- Did you see what I did there? 'Rackies, rack up? Ho ho ho!"
"Yee hee hee! This old boy's a card, ain't he folks? Well, I imagine she'll get a passel of 'em, George, don't you worry! Har har hee hee ho!"
"As long as she leaves a few for Chelsea in 20 years, ha ha ha ha ha! Say, Bill, I'm a bit thirsty. Could you pass me some of that water?"
"Sure, George! Just lean your head back and I'll pour it right down your gullet, haw haw heee-haw!"
"You know, Bill, I sure am BOARD of that joke, snickety snicker guffaw guffaw!"
"You slay me, George, you really do, hur hur ha ha! But seriously folks "..
Certainly the one word that comes to mind when you think of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush is "leadership." That's why the world is so lucky that these two sages for the ages have joined together to teach the secrets of their success to a whole new generation of leaders, as the NY Times reports.
The "Presidential Leadership Scholars Program" is a combined effort of the two men's Presidential Libraries (those marble mausoleums where history goes to die), plus the libraries of two other great, great leaders: one-term wash-outs George Herbie Walkies Bush and Lyndon Bellyflasher Johnson.
With all expenses paid by corporate donors, participants -- restricted to "mid-career professionals who generally have at least 10 years of experience and a strong record of professional achievement." ("Yeah, I used to run a Radio Shack store at the West End Mall, then I managed a couple of Chik-Fil-As in the greater Tuscaloosa area, but lately I've sort of branched out into the development and export of cutting-edge crowd-management technologies to police forces here in the Homeland and to our counterterrorism allies abroad, particularly in the volatile Middle East. Reckon I could sign up?" "Say, we like the cut of your jib! Just hold on a second while I write you a check!")
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