There is a different kind of Democrat running for Democratic AG in Kansas in the 2018 election. She has no primary opponent. And the Democratic Party Establishment wants her out of the race because of a poster? Why would the Democratic Party Establishment cowardly and irresponsibly wish to cede the head of law enforcement to Republicans in a state where the Republican Party headed by Governor Sam Brownback has been a total failure?
The Topeka Capital-Journal reported the following.
Sarah Swain, Kansas Democratic AG Candidate, explainsA Lawrence lawyer who is running for attorney general says her poster of Wonder Woman strangling a police officer with the lasso of truth is a metaphor for the rigors of cross-examination. Her own party says she isn't fit to serve.
Law enforcement support groups lashed out at Sarah Swain, a Democrat challenging incumbent Republican Derek Schmidt for the AG's office, describing the poster as an endorsement of violence toward police officers. The Kansas Democratic Party moved to distance itself from the controversy over the poster and cop-bashing comments from her past. Swain apologized for the poster, which has been inside the front door of her law office for several years.
"I understand that this picture has been misconstrued by many as advocating for violence against the police, and for that I apologize," Swain said. "I am not anti-law enforcement. I am pro-truth. And I do not condone violence in any form."
If you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing. Democratic Party Establishment dissing of its Kansas Democratic AG Candidate Sarah Swain is shameful.
Sarah Swain is a defense attorney. She is no police hater. Swain does hate the reality that police, in their reports and on the stand, lie very often. She is concerned that people of color are adversely affected by the actions of racist police officers.
We must scrutinize police officers like any other profession and keep them in check. After all, they wield much power, and hence there must be checks and balances to ensure they do not abuse that power as they currently do.
Innocent people of color of every class, as well as many impoverished and 'inappropriate' whites, have seen what rogue cops do and get away with all of the times. They do not by into the false law and order narrative some people attempt to use to slam anyone who wants to hold police officers accountable.
Instead of the Democratic Party Establishment jumping on the Social/Criminal Justice mantra, this woman stands for; they condemn her for her justifiable contempt for some police officers she has worked with many times. This woman will bring in voters that have felt left out for some time and the Establishment with their inability to evolve continues to obstruct progress.
Watch Sarah Swain's complete interview here. Watch the entire show here.
(Article changed on July 27, 2018 at 17:00)