I begin by resolving to spend some time each day appreciating the simple cosmologocal fact: I am an entity made mostly of water and minerals, star stuff, as Sagan said, and on a planet full of life surrounded -- engulfed -- by darkness and filled with black holes that suck the life and light out of everything eventually. Being old is a good time to just groove on that reality and fall back in love with Life, which has never let me down, as God and fellow humans have. So just a few moments each day.
I have spent much of the last 50 years reading and writing, improving in both gradually but not to the pointof breaking through to the other side, as Jim Morrison sang, channeling the notion of Aldous Huxley in The Doors of Perception. In the last few years I have been piing up credentials -- MAs mostly -- and now I'm pursuing a PhD in philosophy. I got past my confirmation of candidacy not long ago and feel I have a grasp of what I want to argue, but I have come to a place where I need to decide if academic writing is for me. It feels a bit like joining a monkery and learning Latin. To what purpose expending my remaining energy of life that way? So, I may drop it. This year, I may pursue a master degree in science: AI. I may stop pursuing degrees altogether and just return to the pleasure of reading that I felt 50 years ago.
I will spend significant time off-grid this year. Unplugged from the hive.
I want to finish a couple of plays I'm writing.
I have some great ideas for sitcoms I want to realize.
I want to start composing a symphony or two, long suppressed.
I expect to begin a memoir.
I will comlete a collection of stories I call Encounters with Black, a series of narartives that interrogate and wonder about a lifetime of experiences with African Americans.
I have an easel
Again, these are all somewhat built on presumption. The expectation that I still have time.
I love Life far more than I have ever hated monsters lurking. I hope to go the way of Edward G. Robinson in Soylent Green, a surround screen of forgotten memories of Nature (Life) accompanied by Beethoven's Pastoral. That would do. Fading to black, opiated.