Reprinted from Daily Kos
According to Boehner's blog, Obama was "going to Cleveland to try and start a partisan political brawl." (In reality: to announce investments in manufacturing and talk about the economy.)
"Meanwhile, in the House, Republicans will be using today to move forward with markup and debate on our budget, which balances within 10 years and paves the way to job creation and new opportunities for all Americans."(In reality: Republican infighting prevented them from getting their own budget out of committee on Wednesday and they didn't get the job done until Thursday. Also in reality: The budget would be economically disastrous and is balanced on the backs of poor and middle-class Americans.)
Continuing on: "Republicans have passed bill after bill this year to help make a difference for middle-class families" -- followed by a list of exactly the kind of Republican "jobs bills" that economists say wouldn't create jobs.