Jesus, Mathew 23: 27-28
Humanity is suffering from a spiritual disconnect. What is needed is a reconnection to the spirit life. There is no amount of material that can help us. No amount of words, or sayings, or readings, or owning of things can reconnect us to the spirit.
The Iroquois tribes used to utilize their spirit talkers to help connect themselves to the spirit power that flowed through all of life. They were connected to the source of all life and helped heal and empower themselves and others by this connection.
Today we have religious leaders that know little of the spirit medicine and the way of the heart. Instead our supposed spiritual guides quote from a book over and over and hope to convince others of what they can't convince themselves. They are "white washed tombs" clean on the outside but dead to the spiritual life. They make burdens heavy for others to carry while they themselves prey on their flock. They are condemned by the very words they quote.
But this is not the way of the spirit that Jesus lived. Jesus talked of the holy spirit and when asked about commandments, he said to Love. Humanity has been misled about Jesus. We worship a shell and a story but not the Spirit that Jesus presented to us while here on earth.
Jesus, like the medicine healers of those Native tribes, was a spirit talker. He let the spirit of Love "talk to" or guide him while allowing that Holy Spirit to open his mind as well as his heart. Jesus healed by his access to and connection to the Holy Spirit in much the same way that the medicine healers of the Native North American tribes healed. Jesus and the ancient medicine healers understood that it is not "by their many words" that they healed. But it is by the connection to the spirit of life that a profound spiritual healing is found
Jesus was quoted as saying, "If these keep silence, the stones will cry out." ) Jesus had such a profound connection to the spirit of all life that he even knew that stones and minerals sing and have a life. The medicine healers of the tribes, like Jesus, know that there is the spirit life in all things.
Today we suffer greatly because we have closed our hearts and minds to the reality of that Holy Spirit life that flows through all things. It has not helped that our supposed spiritual teachers are blind and that they are leading the blind. But still we must take responsibility and suffer by our own closed hearts and minds.
All around us the world is buzzing with life and the power of that life. It is the Holy Spirit that Jesus talked about and has the power to heal and make whole. To reconnect with these spirits, there must be an honoring of it and a reverence for them.
But we must first just stop!
When we stop the movement in our bodies and minds for even a little bit then soon we become aware of the life that exists and supports us everywhere. We will no longer need to keep reading certain phrases or repeating certain words to convince us of something. Rather we will be connected to what was never separate from us. We will realize that it was only the separation that we created in our hearts and minds that was leading to sickness.
The spirit medicine is the healing medicine that we need for today. By becoming spiritually sick, and closing our hearts and minds to authentic spiritual helpers to guide us, we are choking the world with our own sickness. Our spiritual disconnect is killing much of the life we ourselves need to survive.
It is time to Stop and let the minerals, plants, animals, and all spirits talk. Then we will allow the healing that comes from communing with the Holy Spirit of life. Jesus and the spirit talkers of the Iroquois, and other Native tribes, knew that it was the Spirit that is the ultimate healer for humanity.
It is time to stop, listen, and let the Spirit of life talk to us and heal us.