True or not true? You be the judge. (image by
Cross linked with 44 Days
In reference to the news that the Chinese and Russians cracked the NSA codes to get into Snowden's files, it is probably true that neither China or Russia could crack them separately.
Here's what I think happened. China's Ministry of State Security and Russia's FSB worked on them TOGETHER, to crack the files. Snowden never figured that they might combine forces, brains and super computers to get the job done. It is no secret here in Sinoland that MSS and FSB are working together in their fight against Western Empire. It must be terrifying to CIA/MI6/NSA that they are in fact doing so.
Or, if Snowden is right that no one, not even MSS's and FSB's combined cyberskills can crack the encryption, then this is just another blase, Western false flag, MSM psyop, to demonize Russia and China, enemies #1 and #1 in America's ongoing imperial world war, and make no mistake, it is war by any other name.
If I had to wager between the two, I think Snowden is still right. The West uses false flags and psyops like a hyena breathes air.
(Article changed on June 14, 2015 at 17:16)
(Article changed on June 14, 2015 at 17:22)
(Article changed on June 14, 2015 at 17:41)