I'll Sacrifice Anyone for Four More Years, but Not One Cheeseburger
(Image by Akemi Ohira) Details DMCA
Notwithstanding Bill Barr's DOJ, justice and our Constitution demand that we, petition the government for a redress of grievances:
Why are Agencies, like FEMA and the CDC specifically created to minimize public devastation in times of natural catastrophe, walking on political eggshells and revising lifesaving guidelines, instead of ensuring the public's welfare?
Until it is immediately apparent, with plans of implementation in place, that a glut of farmers' cows & milk, chickens & eggs, potatoes, vegetables and pigs is a solution in need of expedited transportation to struggling Food Banks, online college students, stay-at-home children, women and America's increasing unemployed in the wealthiest nation on earth, for some, we are all in this together, like our president, is painfully offensive to all forced to linger in their cars for hours awaiting food to feed their families.
However, we cannot afford to delay until the swamp drains itself or Liberal reason balances the extremes of progression and conservative regression, nor for the legal replacement of Right-Wing Governors, or aging out of CEOs who don't care how many gullible constituents or low wage employees get sick or die from, bigger bang for the bosses' buck apathetic mind-set at factory farms, meat packing plants or ecommerce online storefronts camouflaging mass indifference with Coronavirus coated carboard.
When insisting automatic weapons guarantee the freedom to desert Pro-Life Conservative Right-To-Life edicts, the right to spit on masks of uniformed police and liberty to open non-essential businesses during a pandemic who's benefiting?
Who plays the village idiot card to perfection: GOP PAC paid freelancers, hedging Conservative CEO bets or a pawn reinstating essential pandemic Task Force because it is, so popular?
Perhaps the root of all anti-reality evil is Trump's fantasies-du-jour, layered in the conceit that voters haven't a clue regarding his negligence in providing PPEs and testing? But, suppose his McConnell enabled disregard is an intentional attempt to determine 2020 GOP victories?
Why is it that Trump/Pence think they can fool some of the people all of the time? What if The Right Corporatism's underbelly board members are the nemesis of inconvenient scientific facts?
Why are case and casualty numbers rising in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin?
Are elected Conservative Republicans really so short-sighted that they are willing to gamble with the lives of Americans who desperately need their employment income, no matter how onerous the work environment was pre- COVID-19 and now even more dangerous for GOP dominated states and municipalities historically more dependent on the tax dollars of America's Left of Center electorate?
Are all of us living within America's borders left with only one choice: placing our faith in reason, each other, and the better angels of scientific fact or suffer the consequences of Corporatism's Trumpism greed?
Who among us profane, love thy neighbor as thyself, by denying the connections between:
- Prison Coronavirus deaths and twenty-five-year-old Georgia jogger's murder
- $800,000 deal for Trump's Hydroxychloroquine and NOMI Startup's five million grant from Utah Governor
- Blue Flame Medical's failure to deliver and GOP
- Arizona Governor's ASU COVID-19 research reversal and Trump's ultra-secret FEMA Model deflating Testing
- Bill Barr FBI reversal and saving Trump election year Flynn pardon
Until we evaluate human life, not by human income but by our return on investments in human kindness with a bottom line yielding human decency, our lack of emergency readiness, safe food, clean water, fresh air, affordable healthcare, protective stockpiles for all caregivers, medical professionals or not, and safe working conditions for all employees regardless of income bracket, educational level or color of skin answers that foresee, prevent and manage emergencies before they decimate life as we know it, will be drowned out by the nonsense of the unknowing, the uncaring and the profit hoarders of Corporatism's control of Congress and cajoled.
Believing in what the second Americans ensconced in most of our Constitution, let us manifest our exceptional potential challenged by Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, FDR's, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and JFK's Ask what you can do for your country.
Older men have always sacrificed young adults to other wars, but with Coronavirus the enemy is our complacent lack of preparation, political foresight, and equitable compassion. It is GOP arrogance and the ignorance of those in lockstep with it that is overwhelming American democracy.
COVID-19's warning: we must do better.