What's the problem? When we are children it's difficult to explain why we are upset and why we feel the way we do. Alternatively we usually experience simpler problems that can be handled and surpassed. As we grow into adolescence our problems become more complicated and become more difficult to explain so as to begin the process of problem solving. Our problems sometimes become more complicated than our language can explain and maturity can handle.
Humanity is in our adolescence. An adolescent undergoing a dramatic growth is comparable to our technological progress in the last fifty years or so. And we as a global collective of humanity are the worst type of teenager, the type that thinks we have all the answers and know it all. All of our problems are of our own manifestation in the most adolescent hubristic terms. And we, as a global collective, know something is wrong. We can variously put our finger on our problem and point to it, but it's almost too massive for our maturity level to fully comprehend and explain.
The problem of our adolescent being causes massive global destruction of creation and creation of destructive pollution. This adolescent misbehavior leads to a less productive adulthood, like a teen alcoholic. All of our stately, corporate driven impulses to stake a claim in the world are part of the adolescent era of mankind akin to an unchecked teen drinking spree.
When we cannot explain the turmoil we experience, individually and collectively, we will continue to experience the turmoil, and perhaps continue making it happen and magnifying it. All of the adolescent problems we manifest are all either completely diminished by, or can be equated to oligarchical collectivism, coined by George Orwell, in 1984. The phrase essentially describes a pyramid system, where the few benefit over the many, essentially 1% benefit over the 99%. In our adolescence we cemented the most detrimental oligarchical activities, like war and nuclear experimentation, that all, essentially, kill us in a way that might momentarily feel good, like a thirteen year old taking up smoking cigarettes. Today, we literally cause biological damage in oligarchical collectivist fashion. We are adolescently instituting destructive practices in the form of biological oligarchical collectivism.
Biological oligarchical collectivism results from the institutionalization of systems that harm everything on the planet to benefit the often demonstrable, if not approximate 1%. Only the biological oligarchical collectivism is so great that it actually ultimately benefits the 0.0000000001%, a few people alive today, at the cost of generations and all future life to come. For instance the destruction of the environment, of Earth Mother, through mining and then setting fire to earth sourced nuclear, gas and oil elements harms all living beings alive now and for the foreseeable million years as far as nuclear experimentation is concerned.
Our adolescent problem is the instituting of systems in the form of biological oligarchical collectivism to benefit some 0.000000000.1%. If we could understand that what we are doing is essentially crapping the bed of our offspring we might be able to get a grip and come together to grow more mature, to communicate and attempt to solve or at least not create more problems. We have to grow past biological oligarchical collectivism, which requires first addressing it.